Chapter 31

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Amal's P.O.V

"I just wanna go back to the hotel right now."I said as I looked at Zabdiel with a smile on my face. "I can't leave Cyrus but you go with the others."

Erick looked at me and let out a sigh. "Just come with us for a little bit."

"But it isn't fair on Renato, he's got a life too."I said as I looked at everyone. "I'll look after the kids and you guys enjoy yourself."

"Just come with us!"Anouk exclaimed as she looked at me. "Renato doesn't mind at all, he told us to go."

"No I'm not sure."I said as I let out a sigh. "I'm pregnant so there isn't much I can do is there?"

"You never drank so that's fine."Chris said as he looked at me. "Just come and dance with us for a little bit."

Zabdiel took a hold of my hand and looked at me. "Come on mi amor, it's been a big night with us winning four awards so let's just have fun."

"Are you sure?"

Zabdiel nodded. "Come on, the taxi is waiting outside for us."

"Fine then!"

"The gang is back together!"Joel yelled as he threw his arm around gabby pulling her close to him.

We walked out of the hotel and got into the taxi, Richard told the taxi driver the club name and we all just looked at each other.

"So can I just say one thing?"Erick said as he looked at us all.

"Dale."Joel said as he raised his eyebrow at Erick.

"I've been such a prick lately, maybe more of prick and I shouldn't of."Erick said as he looked at us all. "I'm so sorry about it all but tonight it ends, all of it because I shouldn't push you all away when you guys are all I have."

"Aw Erick."Chris said as he looked at him fighting the tears away not to cry.

Erick nodded. "I don't say it much I know, but I love you guys and I don't know where I would be without you."

"We love you too."Anouk said with a smile on her face as she looked at him. "More than you ever know."

"Group hug!"Joel said with a grin on his face.

We all pulled each other into a group hug then we pulled away and looked at each other.

"I'm really glad and happy to have you all."I said with a smile on my face. "You guys are my family and I'm willing to do anything for you both."

"So are we."Erick said with a nod.

The car stopped, Richard opened the door and jumped out. "Here we are."

We all got out of the taxi to see we were at the after party of the premios billboards, Chris paid the taxi driver and inside we went in.

"Stay close to me."Zabdiel said as his arm wrapped around my waist loosely. "I can't have anything happening to you right now."

"Nothing will."

Everyone scattered around the club, I looked at Zabdiel. "I'm going to get myself some water, go to Erick and I'll meet you there."

He nodded and kissed my cheek. "Be safe."

I nodded and walked over to the bar, I looked at the bartender with a smile on my face. "Water please."

He nodded. "Sparkling or still?"

"Still please."

He nodded and walked off to get it, I looked at the pattern of the bar ever so lost in my thoughts.

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