Chapter 39

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Next Day.

Amal's P.O.V

Gabby looked at me as I sat cross-legged on the floor looking at the suitcase in front of me.


I snapped out of my trance and looked up to see her looking at me with her hands on her hips. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah but I feel like I'm forgetting something."

"As in what?"

I looked down at the suitcase to see a post it note stuck there, I looked down at it to see sunscreen wrote in bold letters on there and looked up. "I remembered, I forgot I wrote it down what I needed."

"Baby brain."I added as I placed my hand on my forehead, rubbing it and looked at gabby. "What's up?"

"Nothing expect worrying about you."Gabby replied with a shrug of her shoulder. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yes I'm fine."

Gabby sat down on the floor, across me and looked at me. "Well Cyrus is eating the rest of his breakfast so I can help if you want?"

"Im going to go and get the sunscreen if that's fine? I feel like I need some fresh air."

She looked at me and nodded. "Yeah sure."

"Can you help me up?"I asked as I looked at massive bump in front of me for a second then looked at gabby. "Didn't think it through by how hard it would be for me to get up."

Gabby let out a soft chuckle. "It's fine." Gabby took a hold of my arm and pulled me up.

I looked at her and smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."Gabby said with a smile on her face and looked at me. "Do you want one of us to come with you?"

"I'll be fine and I need to pick up the cake anyway."I said with a smile on my face. "It'll be okay."

"If you need anything, tell me."Gabby said with a nod.

I nodded at her then walked upstairs into my room, I got changed into a long cream top and a pair of black jeggings with my black boots on.

I put my hand into a ponytail, I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. I picked up my car keys from the bowl and walked out of the house to the car.

I opened the car door and sat down on the driver's seat as I closed the door, I put the car into ignition and began to reserve out of the driveway.

I drove to Walmart, remembering the cake and the sunscreen which I needed. I got out of the car and walked into the Walmart.

I picked up a basket then walked to the cookies aisle to see Lalia there, throwing all of the cookies into the trolley.

I walked over to her, I tapped her shoulder then looked at her as she turned around to me.

Her eyes red and blotchy, her eyes brimmed with tears and she looked at me. She plastered a smile on her face as she was holding three packs of cookies in her hand.

"Hey Amal."She said as she threw the cookies into the trolley. "You've got big from the last time I saw you."

"Yeah I've got big."I said with a soft chuckle then let out a sigh. "What's wrong Laila?"

She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know what you are on about."

"You look like you have been crying and on the verge, bursting out your tears here too."I replied as I looked at her with a stern look. "We were once close friends."

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