Chapter 41

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"This place is so amazing."Gabby said as she looked around.

"It's the Atlantis!"Anouk said as she threw her hands in the air with both of our feet in the pool. "It's going to be amazing."

I let out a soft chuckle, Zabdiel and Richard walked in and looked at us both.

"What are you two doing?"Zabdiel asked as he looked at me and Anouk.

"Just chilling with our feet in the water."I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "Nothing special."

Chris walked in and threw his arms in the air. "I've just come and made your life better!"

"Never in your wildest dreams."Richard said as he sat down next to Anouk.

Gabby turned over her shoulder and looked at Chris. "Where's Joel?"

"Him and Maluma have gone to the bar to get some drinks for us all."Chris replied as he looked at gabby. "He'll be here in a few."

Chris looked at me. "Why is your feet in the water for?"

"Because they are."

Him and Zabdiel exchanged a look, I looked at them both with a stern look on my face. "If you both are doing something, I will kill you both."

"And leave the twins and Cyrus fatherless and tioless?"Chris said as he looked at me.

I nodded. "They've got plenty more as well."

Chris let out a gasp then took off his tshirt revealing his body, gosh he looked amazing and then he took his hat off showing his amazing cut hair.

I looked down trying not to build up his ego a little more then before I knew, Chris jumped into the pool.

The water ended up to splash everywhere, I looked at Chris. "You are a tarodo!"

Chris brought up his head from the water and smiled. "Thank you so much for that compliment there!"

"Where's Erick?"

"He's with Cyrus and Aliyah."Richard replied as he looked at me. "He said he was tired and rather wanted to spend time with them then us."

"He's being acting weird ever since we came back from the restaurant."Gabby said as she looked at me. "Has something happened?"

"I just think he's tired."Zabdiel said as he looked at us all. "He never slept properly on the plane either."

"Well if he doesn't improve by tomorrow, we'll grill him."Chris said as he floated around the pool with his back on the water and his legs straight.

Joel and Maluma walked in, with two bottles of coke. Maluma looked at us all. "They don't sell whiskey to people who are not over 25."Maluma said as he let out a sigh.

"The man gave us coke and plastic cups though."Joel added as he held up the plastic cups.

"Why is Chris the only one in the pool for?"Maluma asked.

"Because Chris just jumped in it."Anouk replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

Maluma unbuttoned his shirt, showing off his amazing body then took his shoes off and trousers then jumped into the pool.

Him and Zabdiel exchanged a look just like he did with Chris then they both nodded at each other.

Joel walked over to gabby, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him with a kiss.

Zabdiel took his tshirt off and looked at me. "I'm going in, care to join me?"


"Fine, your lost then."He said with a grin on his face.

He stood up and took his jeans off, revealing him in boxers and looking ever so good then Zabdiel jumped in splashing me and Anouk.

"Zabdi!"Me and Anouk yelled then before we knew it Richard was in the pool.

All five of them looked at me and Anouk with grins on their faces. "Come on, join us."They all said together throwing their hands in the air.


Before I knew it, Zabdiel and Chris pulled me into the pool.

I looked at them both. "I'm gunna kill you both!"

"No you won't."

Zabdiel came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, he kissed my cheek then looked at me. "If it makes you any happier, I booked us a couple massage tomorrow."



"We are going to the beach!"Aliyah yelled as she fistbumped the air with a grin on her face.

"But you have to behave for your Tio."Anouk said sternly as she looked at Aliyah.

I looked at Cyrus. "Make sure you behave otherwise you won't be going to the special place tonight."

Cyrus nodded. "Yes mumma, I'll behave like I always do."

"That's a good boy, now go with your Tio Chris and Joelito."

Joel looked at gabby. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"I have to finish off the documents for the firm."Gabby said as she let out a sigh. "As soon as I'm finished, I'll come down to the beach."

Joel let out a sigh and nodded. "That's okay."

Cyrus took a hold of Joel's hand and Aliyah took a hold of Chris's hand.

"Wave bye mumma and Tia."Joel said to Aliyah and Cyrus.

They both turned over their shoulder and looked at me, Anouk and gabby. "Bye!"

Then they left, I looked at gabby and Anouk. "Well I've gotta get off to this couple massage thing."

"And I have to haul Richard's ass out of the bed."Anouk said as she let out a sigh.

"I gotta finish off my work."Gabby said with a sad expression on her face.

"When you go up, check on Erick for me please."

She nodded. "Will do."

Gabby left, me and Anouk walked to the elevator and I looked at Anouk. "Good luck then."

"Knowing our luck the week is going to end pretty fast."Anouk said as she let out a sigh.

"That's true."

Then I left for the spa, I walked to the spa and walked in to see Zabdiel stood there in a black tank top and jeans with his hands in his pocket. "I thought I was the one going to be late."

"Well I thought I should change up a few things."I said with a grin on my face.

Zabdiel let out a soft chuckle then wrapped his arm around my waist, the lady came and told us to go in this room and take everything off.

We walked into the room, I looked at Zabdiel. "Don't be getting any ideas."

Zabdiel held up his hands. "Weren't thinking of any." With a grin on his face.

I put my my favourite finger. "Bullshit."

Shortly, Zabdiel was getting his massage on the massage bed next to me as I had to sit up because of the bump.

"Cyrus is enjoying all of this."I said as the lady began to put oils on my bump, slowly massaging it.


"Are you even focusing on anything I'm saying?"


Then I felt something from the side of my bump, the lady picked up my hand and placed it on the side of the bump. She smiled. "Your babies are kicking."

I smiled as I felt it happened then looked at her. "They are, looks like I've got a pair of footballers brewing in here."

"They are going to be footballers!"Zabdiel said with so much excitement in his voice. "And they are going to love it."

"So now you are listening?"

"I always am."

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