Chapter 36

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Next Day.

Amal's P.O.V

Cyrus looked into the fridge as I turned the tap on and let the water flow into the cup, my head slowly feeling less heavy then last night.

I brought the cup to my lips and drank the whole glass of water then put down the cup and turned around to see Cyrus stood there.

"Mumma, we haven't got much to eat today."Cyrus said as he let out a sigh. "So I guess it's just toast."

"Bud, there is cereal too."Erick said as he held up the Cheerios box next to him. "And there is some milk I left over just for you."

Cyrus nodded and quickly walked over to Erick, he sat down next to Erick and Erick put his bowl in the middle. He began to feed him and Cyrus didn't bother to protest.

Chris walked in and looked at me. "How are you feeling?"


Chris looked at the milk carton then looked at Erick. "You just had to finish the milk didn't you?"

Erick shrugged his shoulders and went back to feeding Cyrus, Chris looked at me. "I'll go shopping and get a few things."

"No, I'll go."I said with a smile on my face. "I need some fresh air and I need to go out for a bit."

"Are you sure?"Chris asked as he raised his eyebrow.

I nodded. "Yes I'm."

"Where's Zabdiel?"Chris asked as his arms folded against his chest.

"He's sleeping."I replied as I looked at Chris. "He needs it and I would like you not to disturb him."

Chris nodded. "Yeah, I won't."

Cyrus looked at me with a grin on his face. "Mumma, can me and Tio go to the park and play football?"

"I don't know."I said as I looked at him. "Which one, Tio Chris or Erick?"

"Both of them."Cyrus said with a grin on his face.

"Well I'll go with you, Tio Erick can go with your mumma to shopping."Chris said as he picked up an orange from the fur it basket. "We can't have your mum wondering on her own can we?"

Cyrus nodded and smiled. "Let's do it."

I looked at Erick. "I'm going to get changed then we'll go."

Erick nodded, I left the kitchen and walked upstairs into my bedroom to hear Zabdiel's soft snores filling up the room.

I walked into my closet and got changed into a blue maxi dress with white flowers on there, I left my hair opened and I looked at myself in the mirror to see my bump growing ever so big.

It looked like I was four months instead of two.

I walked over to the nightstand and picked up the pen, I wrote a note for him then I grabbed my bag and left the house with Erick.

"So, anything new?"I asked as my hands rested on the bar of the trolley. "You seem more happy then last time we had a heart felt chat."

"I'm doing okay."Erick replied as he picked up the tomato sauce and put it in the trolley. "I feel good so I'm okay."

I looked at him as his face was right next to mine. "Are you sure you are okay?"

He nodded. "Yes I'm."

I turned around. "I need cookies so let's go to the cookie aisle."

I pushed the trolley onto the next aisle with people staring at Erick, gawping at his every step. This is why sometimes I don't like going out with Erick because of this.

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