Epligoue ||

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Maluma looked at me as he took a sip of his drink. "Hopefully dinner will taste great."

"Don't you dare undermined my cooking."I said sternly as I looked at him.

Gabby looked at me and let out a frustrated sigh. "I still don't understand how you and Anouk did this."She said as she took a sip of her water. "It's so tiring."

"That's my cue to leave!"Maluma said as he got up from his chair and left us.

"The outcome is the best thing you'll ever have in life."Anouk said with a soft chuckle with her hand resting on her flat stomach.

"Mumma! Carina is trying to kill me!"Cyprus yelled from inside. "Mumma!"

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. "Yeah the best outcome in life."

Then I walked inside the house to see Carina lunging herself at Cyprus, I quickly pulled them away from each other and looked at them.

"This needs to stop!"I yelled as I looked at them both. "This can't keep on happening!"

"It's all cyprus's fa-"

I cut carina off and looked at her sternly. "Apologise to your brother!"

"No I'm not going to!"Carina said as she looked at me with a daring look. "He should be apologising to me!"

"You are trying to kill me!"Cyprus yelled as he threw his arms in the air.

"Ay papi, if this doesn't stop I swear I'm going to chop you both up and turn you into mince meat!"I said as I let out a groan of frustration. "And I mean it!"

"Amal?"Chris said as he let out a cough making his appearance noticed.

I looked up to see Chris stood there with a women stood next to him, she looked at me and let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh, Oh I'm so sorry."I quickly said as I looked at her. "First time meeting me and you see me shouting at my kids."

"It's fine."She said with a smile on my face. "Kids are hard work."

Carina looked at her then looked at Chris, she rolled her eyes. "First my daddy forgets me now my Tio does too."She mumbled then walked outside.

"I'm so sorry about her too."I added as I let out a sigh. "Just everyone is everywhere today."

"It's fine."She repeated with the same smile on her face.

Chris looked at Cyprus. "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Cyprus's cheeks heated up to the colour red then ran out to the backyard. "I'm so sorry."

She nodded. "It's fine, my name is India."

"I'm Amal."I said with a soft chuckle. "Chris's best friend and only friend also sister!"

Erick walked into the kitchen, holding Eve on his hip. He looked at me. "Dinner done?"

"Oh, who is this?"India asked as she looked at Erick. "Is this your husband?"

Erick let out a snort and looked at her. "No, it isn't me. That's Zabdiel, I'm Erick and you are?"

"India, Chris's girlfriend."She replied with a smile on her face.

She looked at eve and took a few steps closer, she poked her cheeks and looked at Erick. "Is she yours?"

Venice ran into the kitchen, laughing her head off with Richard running after her into the backyard.

"That's my daughter there."Erick replied with a soft chuckle.

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