Chapter 12

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Three days after.

Amal's P.O.V

"Guess whose here!"Chris said as he threw his hands in the air and swaying his hips as we walked into dad's room.

Dad turned his head a little and looked at Chris, Dad smiled and let out a laugh. "C-Chris."

"Hey Dad."I said with a soft chuckle as I looked at him.

Joel looked at dad for a second then looked at Chris who was dancing around in the room and waving his hands in the air and dad was laughing.

Joel looked at me and smiled. "Your dad really likes Chris."

"My dad has always loved Chris from when we were young."I replied as I let out a laugh. "Chris always somehow makes his day."

"That's Chris for you."Joel said with a soft chuckle.

Chris looked at me and Joel. "Joelito, come on and dance with me!"


"Because I want you to dance with me and I feel lonely!"

Joel looked at him and let out a sigh. "But there's no music."

Chris stopped dancing and looked at Joel. "Well then sing one!"

Dad's laughter faded away, that laugh which I hadn't heard in ages and the only which Chris make him.

Dad looked at Joel so hardly then looked at Chris and pointed at Joel. "Who's t-that?"

Chris walked over to Dad and sat down by his side and looked at him."Thats my friend, Joelito."

Dad looked at Chris for a second then looked at Joel. "J-Joeli-ito?"

Joel opened his mouth wanting to correct him but then just smiled and nodded. "My name is Joeli-ito."

Dad looked at me, his lips started to quiver. "W-What's happened t-to M-Miguel? J-Javier?"

Referring to Maluma and Royce who he named his friends after because of his amnesia he forgot what they looked like and their names.

"Dad, they are coming don't worry about that."I replied as I looked at them. "They'll be visiting you soon."

Joel looked at Dad. "So what do you do in here all day?"

"S-Sit around and l-lay in bed."Dad replied as he looked at Joel.

Chris plastered a grin on his face and gave a dad a nudge. "Any hot nurses?"

Dad let out a hearty laugh and looked at Chris. "N-No."

"A-And I don't think you should be s-saying that when M-Malakand is here."Dad added as he raised his eyebrow.

Joel looked at Chris with a confused expression then looked at me and I smiled at him indicating I'll explain later.

Dad looked at me and smiled. "M-Malakand you never br-brought the kids."

"They were out with one of my friends."I replied with a sweet smile. "I'll bring them next time."

We sat there and talked a little more then visiting time was over and we left.

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