Chapter 11

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Zabdiel's P.O.V

"What are you doing?"Richard asked as he looked at me picking up a set of car keys.

"Just leave me alone Richard."I replied as I held the car keys in my hand.

"No I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me what's wrong."

He took a hold of my wrist and looked at me. "Tell me now!"

I turned over my shoulder and looked at him. "Richard, let me go now!"

Chris walked in and looked at us both. "What's going on?"

"This idiot is going somewhere at twelve in the morning."Richard replied as he looked at Chris then at me.

Chris looked at me. "What's going on Zabdiel? Don't you think we derseve a explanation at least?"

"Just let go of me Richard."

"Both of you are acting weird."Chris said as he let out a sigh. "Just tell us what's wrong and we can help you out."

I yanked my wrist out of his hold and looked at them both. "If you both really want to know, she's upstairs so go and ask her."

"Who the hell are you and what have you done with the real Zabdiel?"Chris said as he looked at me. "Because this isn't you."

"I grew up and realised things, maybe it is about time you do too."

Then I walked out of the door and walked to the car, I got into the car and drove off to wherever and got myself beer to try and numb everything out.

I came to a stop from where me and Amal had our first date together, I turned the car off and got out of the car. I walked over to the lake.

The case of beers in my hand as I looked at the lake in the darkness, I looked up at the sky and the stars were out.

Just like Amal liked it didn't she?

The stars out and just to sit under the stars and talk about anything that was on our minds.

I popped opened the can of beer and took a sip of it, I'm such a great person aren't I?

I only went up and got her up the duff again didn't I?

I kept so much from her and still keeping so much from here, I wouldn't blame her not wanting to be with me but to have another kid with her?

It was like a blessing but also a disaster because it wasn't going to work between me and her, Cyrus is already in the middle of it and another kid which is going to be in the world is going to be in it?

It isn't going to be fair on them either then it is on me and her.

I took another huge gulp of the beer, my back leaned against the rock as I looked at the sky wishing that Amal was next to me right now.

My phone was ringing and ringing, I pulled out my phone to see it was phone calls from everyone.

I decided to text Joel.

Me~ Somewhere safe, just need time away.

Joel~ tell me where it is so I can join you.

Me~ Need to be alone please.

Joel~ Okay just be safe please.

I looked at my phone and decided to put ya me entre on loud, I looked through all the silly photos me and Amal took and the ones we took with Cyrus.

I took another swig of my beer and just looked at the photos.


"It's me, I'm probably the last person you want to speak to right now but we have to talk."Amal's voicemail played as my eyes were focused on the sky. How quick it turned into the morning. "But don't make this harder then it already is and you aren't the only one who is scared either just call me back."

The voicemail ended and I let out a sigh, I just lost the love of my life didn't I? And everything that went with it.

I picked up my phone to see a text from Amal.

Mi amor~ Can we just talk this out? Where are you? I'm worried you know.

Tears streamed down my face remembering that I didn't change her name on my contacts.

It was still mi amor and she still is mi amor because I'm still in love with her and love her with every bone and breath in my body.

"There he is."I heard Erick's voice.

A few mintues, Chris and Erick were stood in front of me. Erick let out a sigh and sat down in front of me on the grass. "Zabdiel?"

I looked up at him. "Yeah?"

"Great, he is still alive."Erick added with a chuckle then looked at me. "What wrong?"


Chris let out a sigh and looked at me. "Define everything."

"Everything, just everything is wrong."

"It seems all bad right now but you've got us and you've got Amal."Chris said as he let out another sigh. "Just come with us."

"We know how you are feeling, you helped us so much when we were like this so let us help you."Erick said as he let out a sigh.

"Just tell us what's wrong."Chris said as he let out a sigh.

"Can we just sit here for a little while longer?"I asked as I looked at them. "This place just reminds me so much of home."

Erick nodded. "Yeah sure."

They both sat next to me as we looked at the view in front of us, ever so beautiful and breathtaking just like my Amal is. 

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