Chapter 45

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Amal's P.O.V


She looked at us all for a long second then looked at the guy. "I'm going to go back and see if we can find a car for them."

He looked at her. "No, not just yet and I'll do that."

He looked at us. "I'm shiekh Aiden and I'll help you if you tell me what's happened to you."

Erick just looked at Hannah, ever so focused on her features and just looked at her with such desire and passion.

"We were with our tour guide but we lost him."Zabdiel replied as he looked at Aiden. "So we sat here, waiting or thinking he would come."

"What's his name?"Aiden asked as he looked at Zabdiel.

Zabdiel thought for a second then looked at Joel. "What was his name?"

Joel nodded and looked at Aiden. "His name was Abid-Ulfaq."

He nodded. "I'll go and see if I can get a car out for you guys before the sandstorm comes in."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, for the meantime I'll leave Hannah here with you and I'll be back."He added as he looked at us.

"Thank you though."Chris said with a smile on his face then he left, leaving Hannah with us.

Hannah just looked at us then looked down at her hands, Zabdiel looked at her and smiled. "So you moved here? Wouldn't blame you."

"Yeah I did."

"It's a great place with so many things to do."Zabdiel said trying his best to break the ice. "I would love to move here."

He looked at me. "Wouldn't you Amal?"

I nodded. "Yeah I would love to move here, maybe one day we could move here."

Chris nodded. "I would as well, it seems such a nice peaceful place to live."

"So what do you here now then?"Joel asked as he looked at Hannah.

"I'm a sound engineer for one of the record companies."Hannah replied with a nod. "It's pretty fun."

"What brought you to the desert today?"Gabby asked with a questioning look on her face.

"One of the people I work for had her music shoot today."Hannah replied as she looked at gabby. "I had to come and sort out the sound."

Gabby nodded. "Sounds interesting."

I looked at Erick, knowing what question was lingering on his mind but couldn't bring himself to say it.

Erick looked at her only to she caught his gaze then looked at Cyrus and began to play with him.

I looked at Hannah. "Who was he? He seems very.."

"He's my boss but also my friend."She replied as she looked at Erick for a second then looked at me to see my bump. "You are pregnant?"

I nodded. "Yeah I'm with twins."

She smiled. "Congratulations to you and Zabdiel, it finally happened didn't it?"

Zabdiel nodded. "Yeah it did."

Then we heard the snores of Richard and Anouk, Joel rolled his eyes and looked at them. "Seriously? Falling asleep in the desert?"

"They didn't get any sleep last night."Chris said as he looked at them. "They were so loud that I couldn't get any sleep, had to put my headphones in with a loud volume."

"I bet that didn't even work did it?"Joel asked as he looked at Chris.

Chris nodded. "Nope it didn't."

I looked at Hannah. "When we get out of here, why don't you join us for dinner?"

Hannah let out weird chuckle and looked at me. "I don't want to intruder on your holiday."

"You wouldn't be intruding on anything."Zabdiel said as he let out a soft chuckle. "We want you there because we haven't seen you in such a long time."

"It would be nice to catch up on everything."Gabby added as she looked at Hannah.

Hannah nodded. "Okay, I'll join you guys."


"Tomorrow, I'll take you all out to global village then."Richard said as he looked at us all. "To make up for the desert trip."

"More like him and Anouk are going to find a place to do it or sleep."Joel said as he rolled his eyes at Richard.

Hannah let out a sigh and looked at Richard and Anouk. "People here aren't  like what it is back home."

Anouk nodded. "But it's nice here though, I would love to move here."

"I like the- what is it call again?"Zabdiel said as he looked at me."it's for them to pray."

"It's called the Azan."I replied as I looked at Zabdiel. "It's the call for prayer."

"Yeah, I like that it's ever so peaceful and wonderful."Zabdiel said with all soft chuckle.

"The country is amazing as a whole."Hannah gushed as she picked up her knife and fork.

"It really is."Chris said with a smile on his face. "I just wish we could spend more time here."

"How long are you spending?"Hannah asked as she glanced at Erick then looked at Chris.

Erick looked at her but then looked down, for the whole day not be able to say a word at all.

I gave a look to Richard, indicating to him to get Erick to speak. Richard nodded and looked at Erick. "Beach after this?"

He looked at Richard. "Maybe, I don't know."

Cyrus let out a yawn and looked at Anouk. "Tia, when is the food coming?"

"In a little bit."

Hannah looked at me and smiled. "So have you come up with any names or anything?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "No I haven't but whenever I want to, somehow it always turns into an argument." I replied as I glanced at Chris and Erick.

"Look, I'm just saying there are many things you can do with my name."Chris said as he held up his hands.

Erick looked at me. "My names are very amazing more amazing then Chris's here so they will get chosen."

Chris looked at Erick and rolled his eyes. "In your dreams."

"Looks like you haven't woke up from yours."Erick said as he rolled his eyes at Chris.

The food came, we ate and took a long walk down to the hotel with Hannah.

Me and Zabdiel went into our room and did a little something here and there

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