Chapter 8

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"What do you mean?"

Anouk pulled out her phone and looked at me. "The power of the Internet will support what I'm going to say."

"Are you feeling okay?"I asked as I looked at her with a confused look. "Have you sniffed some white powder or smoke something green?"

Anouk looked at me and she rolled her eyes, she started to type on the phone and I got up.

I walked into the kitchen and starting searching cupboards for something sour, I came across from a pack of sour sweets.

My mouth began to water, I licked my lips as I looked at the packet in awe. "Oh my gosh..."I whispered under my breath.

Anouk ran into the kitchen and looked at me."Amal?!"

I looked up and looked at Anouk. "Yes? Can I help?"

She held up her phone. "Look at it, the Internet can't lie."

"Yes it can."I said as I rolled my eyes and took a few steps closer and read the screen of her phone.

It took me a few mintues of what it said then I looked at her, my hands rested on my hips and I let out a scoff. "No way, that isn't true."

"I typed in all your symptoms and that's what it came up to."Anouk said with a shrug of her shoulder.

"What symptoms? There is nothing wrong with me therefore there was nothing to search up."I said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Look, you haven't been drinking your coffee these days or having breakfast properly."Anouk explained slowly as she looked at me. "You haven't been sleeping well, and if you have that means you been tossing and turning in your sleep. You change moods more then Matt Bomer can in white collar. If someone just says one thing, you snap like Arthur shelby."

"How do you know all of this when you don't even live here?"

"I've got cameras around your house."Anouk said with a grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes then let out a sigh, I looked up and looked at Anouk. "Let's say that's possible, what do we do next?"

"Get a test from Walmart and check if it is."Anouk replied in a duh tone. "It isn't rocket science."

"You are no help sometimes."

Anouk grinned. "Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment."

"Well, you have to get me a test."I said as I looked at Anouk. "Because Cyrus is sleeping upstairs and I can't leave him alone."

"No, I'm going to babysit Cyrus and you are going to."Anouk said sternly as she looked at me. "You haven't been out this house in ages and you haven't drove in ages either."

"No Anouk."

"Yes Amal."

"Go upstairs and get changed."Anouk said in a mother tone. "Then you are going out to get some fresh air and get a test."

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

I walked upstairs and went into my room, I checked on Cyrus then I walked into my closet. I got changed into a long sandy brown shirt with leggings and brown sandy sandals. I grabbed my bag and put my hair into a pony.

I went downstairs and Anouk looked at me with a grin. "She's finally going out!"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Just if the guys come back early, just say I went out to get food for dinner tonight."

Anouk nodded then chucked me her car keys. "Good luck."

I rolled my eyes at her then walked out of the house and walked to the car, trying to remember how to drive because it's been so long since I did, I walked to the car door and opened the door.

I sat down on the seat and put the key into ignition, I looked down at the steering wheel as the memory of driving came back to me.

I started to drive then drove to the nearest Walmart and I parked up in the car park, I got out of the car and walked in pushing a trolley.

I got a few things then I walked into the aisle that had the thing that I needed, I came to a stop and stared at the box on the shelf.

Maybe I could be?

No I can't be because it's soon after Cyrus....

This isn't how I want things to happen...

I'm not even with Zabdiel anymore, but what if I wasn't?

I quickly picked up the box and threw it in the trolley, wanting to hurry out of Walmart only to see lalia stood there at the end of the aisle waving her hands at me.

Fuck me!

I turned around, pretending to be interested in breast pads and she walked up to me.

"Hey Amal!"She said with so much joy in her voice.

I turned around to her and plastered a fake smile on my face. "Hey Lalia."

She let out a soft chuckle. "It's been so long since we've seen each other, we have so much to catch up on."

"I know."

"So how have you been? Royce told me you have a kid now?"Laila said with a grin on her face.

"Yeah I do, I'm doing good what about you?"

She clapped her hands together and she had a massive grin on her face. "I'm with Abraham!"

I looked at her weirdly. "Huh?"

"I know it so unexpected but I'm with him."She said with so much excitement in her voice. "It just amazing and he is so amazing in bed."

"That's really urm great, I'm happy for the both of you."

"Thank you!"She said then her phone pinged and she looked at me. "We have to catch up sometime though!"

"I know!"

"Is your number still there same or is it changed?"

"It's changed but ask Abraham for it because I have to go now as well."

She nodded then uexpectly hugged me then she waved bye and went. I pulled out my phone from my bag and decided to text Abraham.

Me~ Congratulations on your new relationship! So damn well happy for you! Just that you forgot to mention it the other day to us!

I put my phone back in my bag and went to pay for everything, shortly I got home and Cyrus was playing with Anouk as they sat down on the floor in the living room.

"So Laila is now with Abraham."I said as I looked at anouk.

"As long as she found someone."Anouk said as she blew raspberries on Cyrus's cheek.

She looked up at me. "Maybe it is about time you forgive her on what she did?"

"I'm not talking about that and I've got a test to do."

I pulled the box out of the bag and I walked into the bathroom, I did the test and waited for a couple of mintues for the result.

I picked it up and looked at it, tears brimmed in my eyes. Anouk knocked on the door. "What does it say?"

"It's positive, it's fucking positive Anouk!"

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