Chapter 23

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Few hours later.

Amal's P.O.V

A knock came from the door, I just looked at my hands not wanting to see anyone or anything right now.

The door opened to see Chris stood there, he let out a sigh and walked over to me.

"Amal?"He said as he sat down in front of me, his hand rested on my knee. "Amal? Please talk to me."

I looked up and looked at him. "W-What?"

"Please don't close yourself off like you did with your mum and brothers."Chris said as he let out a sigh. "Don't push us away this time."

Tears trickled down my face as I looked at him. "He's g-gone."

Chris nodded, tears streamed down his face as he looked at me. "J-Just to see him one more time eh?"

"Gosh, even though he wasn't there much and I w-wasn't even actually his d-daughter, he loved me like I was his."

My lip trembled. "B-But he never k-knew did he?"

Chris looked at me and pulled me into a tight hug then I pulled away the hug. "Chris, just leave me alone please."

"No Amal."

"Just leave me alone Chris, I'll be fine."

Chris let out a sigh and got up, he looked at me. "I'll be back in a few." Then he walked out of the room.

I was never his but he didn't know did he?

Maybe he did?

But he wasn't going to tell me was he?

If he did, then he wouldn't of treated me the way he did.

"What are you doing padre?"I asked as I looked at dad.

He looked at me. "You lost your mum and your brothers but just in case you lose me."He said then handed me a scrapbook. "This is my last wishes okay, to be buried by Malakand mountain make sure that happens."

"No dad."

He squeezed my hand. "You know it's going to happen, we've already lost so much but one day I'll have to go."

"But what if I don't want you to go?"

"One day we will have to but you'll have Chris and I've told Chris the same."


"No matter what, fullfill my last wish that's all I ask."

Tears trickled down my face, the door opened again to see Zabdiel stood there as he closed the door.

He looked at me. "Amal?"

"Zabdiel, please just leave me alone."

"I'm not going to, Cyrus is crying downstairs for you."Zabdiel said as he walked over to me. "So can you please just get up from the floor for me?"


"Can I at least pick you up onto the bed?"Zabdiel asked as he looked at me. "I don't like the thought of you on the floor."

"Why do you care for? You are going to leave just like the others did."

Zabdiel let out a sigh and looked at me. "Why wouldn't I care for? I married you and I promised I would care for you no matter because you are the love of my life and the mother of my child."

"Zabdiel ju-"

He cut me off and looked at me. "Why do you do this for?"

I looked at him and blinked not knowing what he was on about but a little part of me knowing what he was on about.

"You push away the people who care about and love you for no reason."Zabdiel said as he looked at me. "You just push them away without no reason and you know they want to be there for you but you do that and no matter how much they protest you always push them away."

"Why do you think for?"I said as I got up and looked at him. "Why?"

"And you never open up, you hide all your problems away thinking no one would care but they are so many which would!"Zabdiel said as he let out a sigh. "I'm here for you but you are pushing me away but I care for you and want to help you but you push the people who want to help you and care for you. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll help you no matter even if it isn't much I can do."

"But you doing this to me makes me feel like shit, like the worse husband ever! And I know you don't mean to do it but I want to help." Zabdiel added as he let out another sigh.

"I'm like this because of my life! No one cared about me in my entire life no matter what I do!"I yelled as I looked at him. "Everyone wants something from me and they get what they want them up and leave! And you know this is true, so dale and walk out of that door then!"

Zabdiel wrapped his arms around me, I didn't push him away and I melted into his arms as he held me tight.

"I lost him."I whispered as I buried my face in Zabdiel's chest. "Lost him."

"You'll never lose me or anyone else again."Zabdiel said as his hand rubbed my back. "Promise you."

"Don't promise things you can't keep."

"I promise you Amal Malakand de Jesus."

I pulled my face away from his chest and looked at him. "My dad wanted to be buried in Malakand."

"Don't worry he will be buried there."

I looked at him. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry."

"Love you too and don't worry about it."Zabdiel said as he kissed my forehead. "We are in this together."

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