Chapter 48

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Erick's P.O.V

"Man, we just smashes the fuck out of that."Chris said with a massive grin on his face.

"And it was so easy to dance in this."Joel said as he began to tap his feet against the floor.

"It was so hard to keep a straight face though."Zabdiel said as he let out a soft chuckle. "The girls were dancing and singing on the top of their lungs."

"Did you see what Anouk and Amal did in mala actitcud?"Richard added as he let out a sigh.

"Thank gosh we didn't sing se vuelve loco or Reggeaton lento."I added with a soft chuckle.

"I saw that too! And gabby looked so embarrassed, she was like I don't know these people."Chris said with a laugh. "I was trying so hard not to laugh."

"Did you see what they did in Demuestrame?"Joel said as his hands rested on his hips. "Man, I was just like I didn't even know you could move like that."

"Even though Amal's pregnant, she can still dance like she isn't."Zabdiel said with a smile on his face.

I let out a soft chuckle. "But they are our cheerleading squad so what can we do?"

"I bet they took thousands of photos of us too."Richard added with a laugh.

Rahim walked over to us, he looked at us with a massive smile on his face. "Your performance was amazing, the King loved it."

"Did he really?"Chris asked as his eyes lit up.

"Yeah he did so did the president."Rahim replied with a nod. "And they were all so very happy that you wore the kandura too."

"Well, we are very happy that we were chose to perform for them."Zabdiel said with a smile on his face.

"The King wants to meet you all."Rahim said with a grin on his face. "He said that he would like to meet you before he leaves in twenty."

"Can we bring our wives with us?"Richard asked as he looked at Rahim.

Rahim let out a sigh and looked at Richard. "Rather you not because he only said you five that he wants to meet."

"Okay then."I said as I looked at Rahim. "Let's go meet the King."

Rahim walked in front of us, we began to walk behind him but all of us were nervous as it could be.

"We are meeting royalty, we can't fuck this up."Chris said sternly as he looked at us all.

"You need to tell that to yourself."I said as I looked at Chris. "We'll be okay but sort yourself out."

"What do you mean?"Chris asked as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Mate, you have sweat dripping down from your forehead."Zabdiel replied as he looked at him. "Just wipe it away."

"Okay, Okay."

After a long walk to backstage, we walked into this room which walls were painted a light red with gold decor inside.

Two chairs in front of us which were gold with patterned swirls but empty, Chris let out a sigh of relief and sat on the chair.

Rahim looked at him with wide-eyes. "No Chris, get up from there! That's for the King and the president to sit."

Chris looked at him then suddenly realised what he said and quickly got up from the seat. "I'm so sorry."

Rahim let out a sigh. "It's okay, just stand with the others."

"I don't like the idea of Anouk and them being alone."Richard whispered as he looked at us.

"What do you mean?"Joel asked in a whisper as he looked at Richard with a worried expression on his face.

"Hannah is there."I replied within a whisper. "They'll be fine, she knows her way around the people and the place."

"Erick's right."Chris whispered as he looked at Richard. "There's nothing to be worried about."

I looked at Chris, my lips curled into a grin. "Did you just say I was right?"

Chris rolled his eyes and looked at me with his arms against his chest. "I don't know what you are on about."

"You just said as I quote that he's right."I said as I looked at Chris with a grin on my face.

"You did say that."Joel said as he looked at Chris.

Chris looked at me then looked up at the celling with I don't know what you are on about look on his face.

"You just said I was right and you can't admit."I said as I rested my hands on my hips.

The door opened to see the King and the president coming into the room, Zabdiel looked at me. "Don't cause anything, they are here."

The King looked at us as he took a seat on the chair Chris sat on, he smiled. "Here are the boys who made this event a whole lot better."


"He was actually really nice towards us."Chris said as he stabbed his fork into his steak.

"He complimented our music so many times."Richard added with a smile on his face.

"He said that when I found out you were in Dubai, I had to come and grab the chance to see you perform."Joel said with a soft chuckle as he took a sip of his coke.

"Like we've always said, your music is amazing."Amal said with a smile on her face.

"We saw you three dancing."Zabdiel said as he looked at them with a grin on his face. "Nice moves you bust out there."

"In my defence, I tried to stop them but then I wanted fun as well."Gabby said as she held up her hands.

Hannah let out a laugh and looked at us. "Proud of you all, you guys did amazing."

"We watched you from the top."Aliyah said with a smile. "It was so nice."

Hannah's phone began to ring, she got up and looked at us all. "I'll be back." Then she left.

I got up from my seat and looked at them. "I'll be back."

I quickly followed her outside, I stood by the side waiting for the conversation to end and it did.

I appeared in front of her and looked at her. "Who was it?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked at me. "One of my co workers."

"At this time?"

"It was really important."She said as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "What's up with you?"

I looked at her and smiled. "Just can't believe I have you back in my life."

Hannah kissed my lips then pulled away. "You better believe it colon because I'm here forever."

Then we kissed.

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