Chapter 53

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Zabdiel's P.O.V

"Are you sure you want me to leave you alone right now?"I asked as I looked at Erick.

Erick nodded. "It's okay zabdi, you need to see Amal."


He nodded again. "I'm really sure, now go to Amal."

I nodded then looked at Hannah who was on the bed, my eyes brimmed with tears as I looked at her then looked at Erick. "If you need anything, I'm just two doors away."

"Yeah I know, now go."

Then I turned around and walked out of Hannah's room, I wanted to cry my eyes and scream the loudest I could but I knew I couldn't.

I walked to Amal's room, I saw her on the bed attached to many machines and a breathing mask on her mouth through the window.

I let out a sigh then pushed the door opened and walked into the room, I looked at her.

That was her, just lying there and ever so quiet which something that Amal never was.

I stood there for a few seconds then walked over to the bed, I sat down on the chair and moved it up to the side of her bed.

I took a hold of her hand, I squeezed her hand and kissed the palm of her hand. "Hey mi amor."

Something inside me wanting to wake her up right now and hear her voice so much.

"I need you to wake up right now."I said as I looked at her with tears trickling down my face. "Because we all need you right now."

Then I let out a soft chuckle. "Guess what?"

Hoping her to wake up and say what.

"Erick is a dad."I said as tears streamed down my face. "Him and Hannah are parents."

I wanted her to wake up and have the massive smile plastered on her face but it wasn't going to happen was it?

I looked at her. "Amor, if you don't wake up in a few hours then there's going to be problems."

"Well I need you right now because I can't live without you, you are my reason to breathe, to live and do many things in life but how can I do all that when you aren't here?"


I took a sip of my coffee as Anouk looked at me with an anxious look on her face.

"Richard has been in surgery for four hours right now."Anouk said as she let out a sigh.

"It's going to take time."I said as I looked at Anouk. "He's going to be okay."

"I'm sick of people saying that okay bit, it just annoys me so much."Anouk said as she folded her arms against her chest and let out an annoyed sigh. "Now I know what Amal hates that phrase."


My phone began to ring, I pulled out my phone to see it was my mum ringing me.

"You might as well answer it Zabdiel."Anouk said as she looked at Amal. "Nothing is going to change."

"If something does, I'm outside."I said as I walked outside the room and looked at my phone.

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