Chapter 15

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"So we've got magic mike and we've got the wolf of Wall Street."Anouk said as she looked at us all. "So which one?"

"I want to see some strippers."Lydia said as she looked at Anouk. "I want to see Channing Tatum stripping off that leather with Alex Pettyfer."

"Aren't you with someone or have you forgotten?"Gabby asked as she rolled her eyes.

Lydia looked at Gabby and rolled her eyes at her then looked at Anouk. "Magic Mike please."

I looked down at Kat to see her fast asleep in my arms and I looked up to see Hannah staring at me.

"You are really an amazing mum."Hannah said as she looked at me.

"I try my best."I replied with a soft chuckle as I looked at her. "But thank you."

Gabby looked at me. "Don't you want more kids though?"

"I don't know."I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "I want to but then it's also what Zabdiel wants."

Gabby nodded and I looked at her. "Don't you want kids with Joel?"

Gabby let out a sigh and looked at me. "I don't want them, I want to focus on my career a little more."

"Does Joel know about this?"Anouk asked as she sat down on Lydia's legs."Because he does want kids and he wants them for sure."

"Me and Joel don't talk about things like that."Gabby replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Well Erick does want kids for sure."Hannah said to take the heat off gabby. "And I think he would be an amazing father."

"He really would be."I said with a smile on my face. "So is Chris and Richard."

Anouk looked at me and smiled. "Remember when Zabdiel used to take Cyrus out and they used to watch the clouds?"

I smiled, remembering that memory and nodded. "Yeah I do."

I looked down at Kat again, Chris decided to name her after Kat because he wanted to and thought it was better to do then any of other name.

My eyes brimmed with tears, I would of had another kid running around about now that Cyrus would have another sibling to be with and share his feelings about his dad.

Why isn't Kat here for? To help me with all of this? Why isn't Chris here at least for this?

"Amal?"Hannah said as she waved her hand in my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Hannah. "Yeah?"

"You blanked out for a couple of mintues."Hannah said as she looked at me. "You are okay aren't you?"

"Yeah I'm."

I looked down at my hand to see my wedding ring there, Abuela's one which Chris gave to Zabdiel.

"Aren't you going to speak with us or are you just going to stare at your hand?"Anouk said as she looked at me.

I looked up and looked at them. "What are you guys even talking about?"

Gabby's phone pinged and she got up, she looked at us all. "Gotta go I'll see you all later." Then she left.

Lydia looked at us. "Next time, when we are gathering together I don't want her here."

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