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Here you go another chapter.

It's almost 4.2k+. So enjoy.



"Yes I did regret" Cassandra's voice was not above a whisper. Coltrane's grip was so painful that she felt like she could lose consciousness at any time. Something burned in him which he does not want to acknowledge, with that his temper raised.

He hovered over her, his breath ragged trying to control. She glared at him. 

"Do you think I don't regret it?" He  said coldly, his vein popping.

"I hate you" Coltrane words dripped with venom. He went to her cheeks as he cupped her face and his lips crashed on her lips in a hard punishing kiss. She bit his lips as hard as she could. He did not bother to let her breath as his tongue invaded her mouth. She choked as the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth. The kiss was nothing, no passion, no love and no warmth. She felt a shiver down her spine as she struggled to push him away. Tears stung her eyes. He leaves her lip only to suck her neck biting her.

"Let go of me this instant" she yelled, pushing him away.

"I hate you and I won't let go of you" he spatted those words with hatred. He wanted to hurt her and that's what he did. She chuckled and smirked.

"I hate you too" lies, she knows what a big fat lie that was but he doesn't not know and her voice sounded calm. But she choked on her breath,that startled him as his grip slipped only to tighten even more the next moment.

"Glad to hear that. It was a punishment to be loved by you" He said, even though her words startled him. Her finger curled into a fist as much as his words hurt her. She will never give him any satisfaction.

"I am also glad that Catherine showed you where you belong," she smirked. His eyes burn with anger.

"I thought you were dead already. Then why the fuck did you return?" Coltrane growled digging his finger against her shoulder pinning her down on the bed with his weight against her futile attempt to get away. Her eyes widened.

The words stung more than she thought. She curled her fist, even after everything that was said and done this was the last blow. 

These are the words she didn't want to hear, not from his mouth. Even if it's in the name of their friendship they had in the past. Those unwanted tears filled her eyes, even though she wanted to retort. She felt something crack and a tear slipped. Slowly she could not hold back anymore after everything that happened.

"So, there was something to break after all" A soft laugh bubbled into her throat as Cassandra realized tears spilling from her eyes. She sobbed her shoulder shake. Her cold demure break for the first time in five years just because of his words. Everything came crashing down on her. She choked on her own saliva coughing trembling trying not to completely break down in front of him and hold on to her last piece of dignity.

Coltrane stilled his hand still on her shoulder. He slowly sat up letting her go. She curled up. He looked away for a while taking a deep breath. It's not the first time he had seen any woman cry because Catherine was a crybaby but the Cassandra he knows never cried. She is always headstrong, stubborn,smiling, grinning and fooling around. Seeing her shaking in this way his anger flew away. She buried her face on the pillow stopping her voice.

He stood up covering her naked form with a blanket before leaving her in the room.

A tint of regret he should not feel washed over his consciousness.

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