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This chapter contains mature content, Reader discretion advised.

I know this is a short chapter, but there is a reason I did not add anything in this chapter just edited a few parts and dialogues..

Well than go ahead I won't bother you anymore..



Cassandra entered the hallway purposely avoiding the centre where the party is going on. Her eyes wander at every corner. Looking for a certain someone. She bit her lips even though it was her plan to make him suffer here she was suffering and worried sick about him. After a while she made her way towards the kitchen to get something to drink. She stumbled upon a body. 

"Flynn" she yelled. She was shaking him vigorously. He groaned, blinking his eyes. His hand wrapped around her, he pulled her closer.

"Flynn.. What are you doing?" Cassandra asked him softly. His eyes shifted and she could feel his drunken eyes. He softly pressed a kiss on her head.

"What happened?" She asked,held his face in her hand. He stared at her with his blurry eyes.

Pressing a kiss on his forehead, "Everything is going to be fine, Flynn" Cassandra pulled him up, making him stand. She supported him to his room pushing him on the bed. She was about to leave when he grabbed her hand pulling her underneath him.

Coltrane's hand softly caressed her, she was losing her mind. 'This is bad'

Coltrane kissed her, whispering a name that stopped her breathing almost, "Catherine" his soft murmur froze her. This was the last straw, she might love him but letting her be the replacement of the woman he loves. She pushed him but his next words broke her heart .

"Don't go," He begged. The Flynn she knows will never beg.

"Everything will pass away,Flynn. Please don't do this to yourself" Cassandra grabbed his face as a tear slipped from his eyes. Her defence breaks even though she wanted to be cold but her heart gave up and let him in. She wiped his tears. 

Coltrane grabbed her hand pressing a kiss on her palm. She shivered trying to pull herself out of his reach but he wrapped his hands around her tightly. He flipped them so that she was under him. His lips came down crashing her. He roughly kissed. He roughly sucked on her lower lips biting softly. She moaned, opening her mouth. His tongue invaded her sense leaving her breathless. She gasped for air. He pressed pepper kisses on her neck softly nibbling her skin. Her hand went through his hair. He moaned. His hand went behind her back opening her dress. She can feel the cold air on her skin.

His hand explored her to places where even she never touched herself. He unhooked her bra letting it fall. His lips sucked her bud. Her grip tightened on his hair. She can feel her body throbbed with an unknown want. He pressed his finger on her private part. Slowly rubbing her. She shook her hip with ache. He entered her slowly breaking her hymen. She cried out digging her nails on his shoulder. He consoled her making sure she was comfortable and painless, before rocking her slowly.

She remembers him making love to her passionately. How she came down from immense pleasure. After that she slept off in a blissful sleep.

Coltrane slowly opened his eyes groaning, his head was pounding.

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