
12.6K 402 34

Here it goes another chapter,

It is almost 3.5K

Those who have already read this chapter can read again because I altered most of the part.

Okay enough of me blabbering, Go ahead and enjoy..


Jeremy grabbed her cheeks forcing her to look in his eyes. 

Catherine's eyes reflect hurt the same he is alway feeling from his waking moment to going to sleep.

His lips crashed down on her before he could stop himself. Catherine stilled her body froze. This might be the first time he kissed her willingly in his sense.

Jeremy sucked on her lower lip before biting on it hard enough for her to feel pain without bleeding. His tongue entered her mouth forcefully sucking and biting her tongue. Catherine struggled as the pain intensified. He was hurting her. Tears stung her eyes as she pushed him on the chest as hard as she could.

"Jeremy" Catherine yelled his name which broke his trace.

What hell is he doing? He sighed, pulling himself away from her.  Jeremy's eyes landed on her red lips here was a small cut guilty crunch his stomach.

"I... I am sorry" He extended his hand but she stepped back flinching away. His hands dropped. 

Jeremy opened the door of his car seat. 

"You hurt me," Catherine said,shaking  her head, getting away from him.

"I know," Jeremy said, closing his eyes.

"But what about the hurt I am feeling?" He gritted his teeth before punching the car's hood, "damn it". A sharp pain shoots through his hand, something that brings him a slight sense of relief.

Catherine's eyes widen in horror as his hands bleed.

But what shocked her the most about his words, She hurt him again. For god knows how many times?

"Jeremy please I will go away, don't hurt yourself" Catherine said as a tear trails down her eyes.

"Go away?" Jeremy snapped.

"Do you think going away will help?" He again slammed his hand on the car hood.

"At least it will hurt you less," Catherine whispered.

"You are just running away from your problems" Jeremy said coldly.

"You did too, Jeremy" Catherine flinched a bit at his tone.

"Shut up," Jeremy yelled.

"Just shut the fuck up" He punched again anything is better than the sharp pain his feel in his heart. His dead fucking heart ache from the same familiar pain he felt time to time to his life.

"Don't talk about something you have no idea" Jeremy grit his teeth, breathing out. 

"Stop it" Catherine grabbed his hand before he hurt himself.

"Stop hurting yourself,please" She said as another tear rolled down her cheeks.

"This is the only thing that makes me feel alive" Jeremy held her hand which grabbed him before pushing her on the passenger seat. Catharine was too shocked to react as his words reached her. Jeremy locked the door.

"Jeremy?"  Catherine asked.

"As much as I hate you, You need to take care of your health" Jeremy said coldly switching on the car.

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