Chapter: 48

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Ronald was surprised when he got a message. It was from Austin and he asked him to stop the session and come to him. At first Ronald wanted to deny it because he does not like disturbance when he is in any session but Austin said that it was for Cassandra.

Ronald knows that stopping a session  in between was very unprofessional for him but he did it.

He walked out and went straight to the waiting room.

Austin was waiting for him to come.

"So, What is it?" Ronald for the first time had difficulty in reading Austin's expression.

"I want you to manipulate Cassandra into accepting that she is acting like Catherine" He said coldly. Ronald stares at him as if he said the most absurd thing in the world and as a matter of fact it is.

"You want me to do what? Have you lost it?" Ronald asked, trying to keep his anger in check. In his career many people come to him for the same thing  offering money or anything he wants but he never accepted that and Austin knows it better than anyone.

"And make sure it seems like Coltrane is behind this" 

"I won't. So, will you kindly get out or want me to throw you out?" Ronald asked coldly, totally opposite to his smiling face.

"I want you to do this for Cassandra," Austin said calmly, not even flinching. Ronald stares at him for a while for once it seems like someone else is standing in front of him.

"Yes manipulating her does seem like the most brilliant idea you could ever come up with" Ronald rolled his eyes. Austin stared at him.

"I know it will help" 

"How will it help her?" He was curious about Austin's plan.

"Reverse psychology" Ronald was silent. It's not like he did not think about it but there's a chance that it will backfire.

"How can you be sure that it will work?" He asked.

"I am not but I am willing to bet on it because it's Cassandra" the amount of trust he puts on Cassandra is a bit terrifying.

"What if it's backfired on us?" Austin stared at him for a while before shaking his head.

"It won't and even if it did. Does it matter at least I tried to bring her out of that" Austin casually shrugged his shoulder.

"I want to give her a chance where she can choose for herself," Austin said seriously.

"I don't want her to choose Coltrane because that's what she needs to do or that's what she was forced to do. If she accepts to stay with Coltrane I want her to do that with a clear conscious mind. I want her to be happy within herself before thinking about making someone else happy" Austin said.

"I know it might be impossible for her to love someone else but that does not mean she can't find happiness. I want her to go back to the way she was in her high school days. I want to see that Cassandra which Jeremy talked about" He smiled.

Ronald sighed, "And for that you want me to make her believe that I was told to manipulate her by Coltrane?"

"No, don't make it obvious," He smirked coldly.

"The first time she woke up she wanted to divorce him but he manipulated her into staying with him. So it will be a make a believe story, right?" Austin smiled softly.

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