Special Part II

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Cassandra calmed down before pushing him away. Coltrane let her go. She rubbed her face before looking at him straight in the eyes coldly.

"I have had enough of you" She turned around walking straight out but before she could take another step she was pulled against him.

"What is the meaning of this?" She asked gritting her teeth while he just stare at her not knowing what to do? Or what should he do? When the hell will he wake up. He needs to now. This is getting way to realistic for his sanity.

"Sir," He turned towards the lawyer.

"Here are the documents with changes" The lawyer said with a smile. He let her go.

"Sign it" He said more like told her what to do. Taking the pen Coltrane signed before forwarding it towards her. She was glaring at him. Who the hell does he think he is to order her around?

"Why would I? I was suppose to be her replacement and I did it. Now let's end these here" Cassandra said. Coltrane closed his eyes his fist clenched the fact that she called herself a replacement did not suit well with him. He handed the papers to the lawyer.

"You are not a replacement" Cassandra eyes widen he yanked her towards him. She narrowed her eyes gulping.

"Get it into your head carefully if you were not listening outside. You are my wife damn it. Not some fucking replacement. Just like I warned them not to mistake that. It's a warning for you too" She struggled against him as he said those words chilling her.

"Do I make myself clear? Mrs.Mayor" He spat those words. She tried to push him which was a mistake as he pulled her even more close leaving no space between them.

"Have you lost you damn mind?" She asked.

"If you have forgotten let me remind you. You were, No you are suppose to marry Catherine and I am Cassandra as you clearly know"

"And you get it in your head too that I am not Mrs.Mayor" She spat those words. The lawyer stare at them his eyes widen. He wanted to clap his hand and applaud for Cassandra. No one in their right mind would mess with Mr.Mayor. He narrowed his eyes his jaw clenched. Coltrane take a deep breath trying to calm. Now will be the perfect time to wake up but nothing happened he is struck in a nightmare wonderful and Cassandra's struggling was not helping at all. She don't know she is rubbing against all the wrong place. He cursed under his breath.

"Cass, don't struggle" his voice cold contrasting his thoughts.

"Then let me go" She snapped huffing. He looked down raising his eyebrow.

"Sign those papers I will" He said softly. She pushed him or tried to.

"Never" She said looking at him coldly. Before saying the same words that she know now annoys him.

"I have done my work as the replacement now let me go. I don't want to see your face ever again." The word replacement left a bitter taste in her mouth. Coltrane jaw clenched, if she is trying make him loose it. She is going a great job.

"Cassandra Coltrane FLynn Mayor" He growled, for a brief second she regret provoking him. His hand around her waist not gripping her but holding her in a place she could barely move. His eyes cold as he was glaring at her.

"We are not married damn it" She yelled at his words. She feel nothing and she refuse to feel anything. Cassandra swallowed hard. Who is she trying to convince? She needs to get out of here and faster.

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