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Here you go another chapter I know this is not a long chapter.
But do enjoy.

Readers discretion advised..


"Jeremy" Catherine looked down blinking her eyes which were filled with tears. Jermey just stare at her. 

"Why?" He asked when she bit her lips.

"Did you think that was funny?" He asked calmly, gulping down. Catherine pressed herself against the wall as he hovered over her.

"What?" Catherine asked those words out before she could stop herself. Jeremy slammed his hand over her head, she jumped.

"You lied" He grit his teeth. Catherine stopped breathing the moment he said those words again.Her eyes widened, she shivered.

"Why did you lie?" He asked her. She looked at him afraid but kept quiet, she did not want him to get hurt. She closed her eyes tightly. 

"I asked you something" Jeremy snapped moving forward, he breathed harder. He grabbed her face making her look at him.

"I am asking you something damn it" Jeremy yelled gritting his teeth, something pierced him when she looked at him with fear. But he wants to answer anything to stop this suffocating feeling.

"I..." the words dried up, she gulped down but the anger only radiated off of him.

"Start talking, Catherine. If you don't open your mouth right now I will do something even if I regret it later" her hand shakily pushed him.

"Please" tears she was trying not to show fall  from her eyes.

"Why are they crying damn it? Just fucking answer me" He growled slamming m his hand slammed right m beside her head. She flinched. He slightly pressed her body against his. 

Jeremy's eyes flashed dangerous as he pressed his forehead against her. Her breathing hitched when she felt his hand on her back. His finger slowly trailed her neck before pulling the string of her dress. Her heart beat increased as she felt the dress loosen up.

He kissed her, his lips pressed against her lips roughly. She felt numb. Her hand shakily made its way to his chest. She pushed him.

"You could have stopped this," Jeremy said coldly, not budging even a bit.

"Jeremy" She whispered

"L... let me go.. .hhh" he entered his tongue as soon as she opened her mouth, softly rubbing her tongue before sucking on it. 

Her struggle increased as she pushed him. He pulled back and looked at her face which turned red.

Catherine's eyes were watery and she looked out of breath. Without stopping he again kissed her this time roughly biting her lips. His hand went to her neck holding her in a place. His other hand slid on her back slowly before his finger trailed down to her dress. She hears the rustle as her dress slides down her shoulder revealing her undies. She bite his lips. He flinched letting her go. 

She slid down holding herself together trying to cover herself. Tears fell from her eyes as she tried to control her breath.

"But you did not," Jeremy bent down, banging his hand on either side of her head. She flinched, exposing her front to him. Her eyes fearfully looked at him as tears of helplessness fell from her eyes.

"Start talking" Jeremy threatened her, bending down to her neck. His lips touched her neck. She shivered.

"Jeremy please" Catherine sobbed her hand and pushed his chest. He smelled her, she smelled like vanilla and chocolates. Unconsciously his lips trailed on her neck. He softly kissed her then biting the same spot.

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