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"Jeremy, I am worried about her," Catherine looked at him frantically.

"There is no way she will stay here after knowing I am the owner" Jeremy said but his eyes still stuck at the door. Cassandra looked cold and pale almost as if she was dead. He was holding on to the urge and stopping himself from going after her and dragging her here. He has no right to do so.

"Why?" Catherine asked looking at him, and he knew that she wanted answers and without that she would never let it go.

"Something happened in the past" Jeremy closed his eyes those days where it was hurtful for everyone.

"What?" That something he never wanted to answer. 

"Jeremy?" Catherine asked again.

"Do you remember the reunion that happened 5 years ago?" Jeremy asked. 

Catherine froze how she could forget about those days. She gave him a brief nod.

"The day after that, Cassandra came to me crying and in a very bad state. She was wearing Coltrane's shirt which was torn in many places I don't want to remember. After that stupid reunion Coltrane came to my house in the morning he said something happened between them. And I was stuck between them. I don't know who to choose. But I knew Coltrane before Cassandra so I did choose him" Jeremy sighed. That is the result of his immaturity.

"So, I did nothing and let her go away" he looked down guilty as the only thing he felt about that day. He was being immature at that time choosing a friend over another. He should have dragged her in and let them confront each other. Let it out and be done with. 

Catherine looked at him and tears filled her eyes, "Why? She... I" 

Jeremy cannot meet her eyes as she stares at him in disbelief.

"Do you know what she has gone through that day?" Catherine asked him painfully.

Jeremy shook his head, "Grandma died, she was thrown out of her own house" He froze as he listened to her. 


Cassandra's eyes widened, when she noticed where she was. Her eyes wander to the gate of the park. She felt her life collapse again. What is she really doing here?

Cassandra looked up at the night sky. Her eyes blank, not even a drop of tears left to cry. It's not the first time she has nowhere to go. Feeling the cold breeze of the night froze her even more.

After a long time, she sighed sitting on the bench inside the park, where her cafe is located.

Her head stopped working a while ago. She rubbed her face,'this is all my fault"

Now what?
What can she do? Find another job? Cassandra chuckled at her thoughts. No one in their right mind will appoint her. That's understandable.

Cassandra rubbed her face, her shoulder shaking a bit. She needs to control herself before having another mental breakdown. She takes a deep breath trying to control her nerves. After a while she calmed down. 

She was again staring at nowhere while sitting in the same position for god knows how long time.

"I was wondering, where were you?" Cassandra looked up with her eyes blank, face not giving anything that she acknowledged him but she stiffed up hearing the voice.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly, getting straight to the point. Coltrane stared at her for a while. 

It is almost 4 a.m. in the morning the sun will be coming out any moment.  He had badges under his eyes, he looked older and tired. He stayed silent and did not answer her question.

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