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I know, I just republished this chapter because  for some reason the first time I update. It seems like half of the chapter disappeared.

Sorry for that. Might be my net problems..


It's almost a month since her second year started and here she is sitting in front of Coltrane drinking a chocolate milkshake.

They were as usual talking about random stuff when all of a sudden he looked at her seriously.

"I wanted to ask you something for a while now" Coltrane cleared his throat, nervous about what he wanted to say.

In the past year they did not bring up their past and the fact that Veronica and Xavier have no idea about their past was relaxing. They were not cautious about what to say in front of them like everyone else. That was a breath of fresh air for both of them. But she knows they need to talk about the inevitable.

"Go ahead," Cassandra said. A thought lingered at the back of her mind: will they go back to hurt each other again.

"Cassandra, Will you?" He was having trouble on his own and the fact that he can see her doubtful enquiries was not making this any easier for him.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Cassandra blinked her eyes and stared at him. 

"What?" She asked even though she heard him clearly. She thought he would talk about their past but he just asked her out. Her mind almost went blank.

"Can I take you out on a date?" Coltrane asked again hopefully.

". I .. " She stumbled upon her own words. Her thoughts were all over the place.

"No I don't think so" Cassandra shook her head. Coltrane's face almost fell but he held on to it. Even she does not know why she said that?

For the last year she built up a good friendship to the point that she can even say that she can even confine anything to him but why does the idea of dating him make her uneasy.

"Why?" He asked.

"Do I need to say why?" Cassandra asked, staring at him.

Coltrane looked down, "I know, It's alright. Let's forget about it"

She stares at him as he takes a deep breath trying to mask his emotions.

"Why aren't you trying to pursue me?" Cassandra asked confused.

"Well, I don't want to dig up the past and hurt you and I love the way things are." Coltrane said truthfully and that angered her.

'Why the fuck does everybody think that she will get hurt at almost anything?'

"It's been a year do you think everything will hurt me and I will take everything negatively and get depressed. Oh please!" She snapped rolling her eyes.

Coltrane looked down for a while before smiling at her, "Do you trust me?"

"I do," Cassandra stared back at him, her eyes widened, almost shocked at her own answer but she knew that what came out of her mouth was the truth. When she started trusting him, she had no idea but she did.

"Will you give me a chance?" Coltrane asked. Cassandra looked away.

"You did not say give us a chance" Cassandra murmured.

"I don't want to use your feelings to get what I want" he said

"I want to use mine" Coltrane's words seem awful but her heart skips a beat. He is not good with words and someone else might have thought something else but she knows what he means exactly.

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