Chapter: 31

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Catherine stares at Jeremy. 

"Let's stop it right here. Let's stop all this nonsense and think about the baby only" Catherine's eyes widened hearing those words. When he said those words coldly. She shake her head smiling painfully at him, " No"

" I have already destroyed your life" a tear rolled down her cheeks.

"I don't want to make it impossible for you to find love, Jeremy" Jeremy's eyes widened. The way she is talking is totally different.

"Trust me, I never wanted to shatter your belief" She whispered.

"Because I have given up on my happiness to keep your beliefs once" Catherine said those words painfully aware of her situation.

"What are you saying?" Jeremy asked her coldly. He does not want to hear bullshit. No, he will take responsibility for the child. 

"All my life I was under a controlling mother. I was not supposed to make a decision, if I did someone will always suffer. You are one of my decisions Jeremy, which my mother did not like. It's not like I can't go against my mother. If I was gone with my decision you would have suffered. I did what I thought was right at the time and here I am" Catherine smiled painfully.

"But I love you too much to see you being shattered. I can't let your life crumble because of me because of my selfishness" She turned to him. His breath hitch something is off about her but he doesn't want to care.

Who was he kidding? He does, he does care about her more than himself Jeremy shook his head.

"What the hell are you saying?" He grabbed her shoulder forcing her to look at him.

"I am sorry that you have fallen in love with me" Catherine touched his cheeks.

"Shut up" Jeremy ordered her as a tear fell from his eyes. She shakes her head. 

"I am at fault. I know you were drunk. I know you were vulnerable but when I kissed you.I cannot stop myself. It was our first kiss" Catherine smiled. 

"I was happy and when you wrapped your arms around me, my heart fluttered. I know what I was doing was wrong. I am cheating on someone but I let myself be happy for once" Jeremy stared at her.

"For once I wanted to be in your arms. Be with you like a woman. I hated it when you kissed Salina. We never once kissed like that.In high school when we started dating you never kissed me, you always told me that when I will initiate the kiss you will kiss me back, You used to tease me for that. I know I was being childish but I can't help myself" a tear fell from her eyes. His eyes widened, shocked he would not even describe how he was feeling.

"I never intended for you to find out about this"  Catherine shook her head. She never wanted him to see how ugly her jealousy is.

"I would have told him that I am shameless and I  cheated on him if I get the chance. I was ready for all those disgusting looks and hatred. But I did not get any chance" Jeremy did not say anything and let her continue.

"I never wanted you to know either. It was supposed to be my secret" Catherine touched her stomach.

"But when Coltrane asked I feel like he should know and that something happened with your mother, I could not bring myself to lie to her" Catherine sighed sadly.

"If I lied to her, I would have felt guilty that I lied to the woman who gave her whole life to bring you up" She looked down.

"I did not know this would have ended up in a disaster. Not only that I never intended to marry Coltrane or anyone else. But what I did to Coltrane was wrong and I feel guilty" Catherine said. 

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