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Here goes another chapter it's almost 3k. I know not a long chapter. Do share you opinion about the editing and if you want me to change anything. Or any suggestions on how to improve.

Well than, Happy reading.



Coltrane entered the cafe where Jeremy decided to meet for this meeting. After the drive his anger calmed down gradually.

"You are early" Jeremy said sipping on his black coffee looking at the documents in front of him. He took an opposite seat facing him.

"So, what is the news? Did you find anything?" Coltrane asked.

"No, only her car, that's it, '' Jermey sighed as he didn't want to search for her. All he wanted to get away from here. But at the back of his mind he is worried much more than his denial.

"Cassandra is behind this" Coltrane stated this was not a question but rather a statement. An answer to his every problem. But the question remains.

"Just because Catherine disappeared near her cafe. Does not mean  she has anything to do with this" Jeremy sighed, he noticed a pattern at the way Coltrane accused Cassandra.

"Well then you have another theory" Coltrane asked.

"It can be coincidence" He shrugged.

"Isn't it a bit too much for coincidence? Catherine disappeared and all of a sudden Cassandra appeared?" He asked. 

"No" Jeremy refused his statement glaring at him for getting to that conclusion. He knows with all the proof she can be considered as the master mind but talking to her today something feels off. This something will be a disaster in their life, he can feel that.

"Why?" Coltrane asked hesitantly to hear the answer for some reason he wanted her to be the cause of this mess. A part of him wants to make her suffer because it's easier to point the finger out at her rather than finding something else he did not want to.

"You know ,Why? Don't you?" Jeremy stared at him, averting his eyes.

"5 years why would she all of a sudden try to take revenge? Or do something to mess your life. There is something amiss you know very well stop denying and the part where she replaced your bride there must be a story" Jeremy said.

"I don't know what you are saying" Coltrane would not acknowledge her not after she tore him from Catherine.

Jeremy sighed, shaking his head. 

"Did you meet your mother?" Coltrane changed the topic.

"No, and I will like it that way. It's better if she does not know anything about me being here" he flat out refused.

"Jeremy..." Coltrane stared at him and before he could say anything. Jermey shakes his head.

"Don't bother. I don't want to talk about that. We have enough in our plate as it is, don't add to that" He coldly cut Coltrane off. His life is not up for discussion when there are important matters to handle.

They sit there silently not saying anything. The tension breaks at the ringing sound. Jeremy picks up the call without checking the caller id.

"Hello," his eyebrows folded as he looked up.

"Okay" ending the call he again stares at Flynn.

"What?" He glared at him.

"Your guards called. They found her" Coltrane stood up.

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