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Here you go another chapter dear readers.

Happy or sad reading?

Who knows..


"When will you discharge me?" Cassandra asked glaring at Austin who returned it with a look that said 'go to sleep silently without being a bother' 

"No, I want to go home," Cassandra said stubbornly.

"Look, I need the reports of the test to give you a green signal to go" Austin said frustrated at her stubbornness.

"But I am fine. It's been a whole day" She pressed her lips, sitting straight on the bed. 

"First of all It's been 11 hours. And what are you going to do even if I discharge you now? It's  already midnight?" Austin sighed after doing a whole day shift he was exhausted beyond reasoning.  He wanted to sleep after eating something,  but here he was arguing with a pain in.... patient.

"But I want to go home," Cassandra said again. 

"Go to sleep, woman" Austin sighed trying not to give up and let her go. He was at his end wits, if not for Lisa who bargained in not bothering to knock.

"Here is the report,doctor" Lisa said handing the reports to Austin, winking at Cassandra who smirked at her. 

"Are you two planning against me?" Austin asked, narrowing his eyes, clearly uncomfortable about the situation.

"No," Cassandra shook her head. Lisa just shrugged her shoulders and saw herself out.

Austin stared at her for a while before sighing. He read through it while feeling Cassandra's glare making holes in his head.

"All right you can go but you need to take your health seriously and go to see Dr.Ernest.I will fix an appointment  only on that basis you can go home" Austin said professionally keeping his voice sharp and clear. 

"I don't want to see him," Cassandra looked away.

"Cassandra, it's for your own good. You can't start depending on those medicines" Austin said.

"Please" He requested.

"I will try" Cassandra closed her eyes. Austin sighed and relaxed, 'At least she will try that's a good thing'

"I will take you home, my shift is almost over" Austin said, not bothering to wait for her answer. 

"He is not here, Right?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes, He walked out after admitting you" Austin said coldly before walking out to his chamber.

Cassandra chuckled, What was she expecting?

She relaxed on the bed, after admitting  her here Coltrane did not come to check on her not once. He was gone as a puff of the air.

Cassandra bite her lips contemplating  whether she should go back home and have a little peace or return back to the hell hole. She shook her head , 'It's not as if he would appreciate her there'

Austin came back after a while with his car keys. The car drive to her home was silent as she stared outside most of the time.

"Why are you silent?" Austin asked annoyed at the silence he never experienced when she sat beside him.

"What was Lisa doing at the reception?" Cassandra asked the first thing that came in her mind.

"She wants a few days off . So, she wants to pull an all nighter" Austin almost shrugged  his shoulder if not for the steering wheel he was handling.

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