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Here goes another chapter.
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They walked through a luxurious hall wall, Coltrane led her straight to the private elevator. The moment they entered she moved away. 

They reached his office, Cassandra looked up to see the nameplate on the door



She blinked her eyes, getting back her senses. her eyes wander around the office. A modern office with black and white furniture. The wall behind the office desk is a digital transparent screen.

Coltrane walked up to his seat, sighing he sit down on his chair, "You will stay here"

Cassandra glared at him, "I am not a puppet. I will do whatever I want" she took the seat opposite to his chair.

"Listen to me..." he stood up, pushing the chair backward when his office phone rang.

"Hello," his eyes stopped at her, narrowly challenging her to do something.

She smirked standing up, she got herself out of his office.

"You think you can control me" Cassandra rolled her eyes at him. He glared at her, gritting his teeth trying not to shout out at her.

"Jeremy I will call back later" he cut the call rubbing his eyes.

He took his cell phone out and dialed his number.

"Hello, Larson speaking" the person on the other side speaks.

"I heard she signed a different name on the paper" he said straight to the point.

"Yes, Sir. I tried to call you but your cell phone was out of reach. So, I called Jeremy sir" Coltrane cursed under his breath for breaking his mobile.

"Change the name of Catherine Rossella Walmart to Cassandra Walmart and submit it for registry" he smirked if she is going to play a game, he will return the favour ten fold. Now that she is his wife officially. He will give her the surprise of the year. He rubbed his brows to calm down rage boiling in him coupled with frustration and anger. 

Cassandra walked out of his room. The floor was booked with a high ranking post holder. Her eyes landed on the fifth door to the right.



Her inside crunch she stare at the nameplate. She felt choked on her feelings. It was her dream which she never got to fulfill.

"Excuse me Ma'am" someone called her. She blinked her eyes and turned to the sound.

"Congratulations on your wedding" the man in front of her smiled.

"Thank you" her voice came out as a whisper as she forced a smile on her lips.

"Can you help my colour selection? And I want to replace some of the furniture" He asked, confused about the designs.

Cassandra couldn't answer her choked feeling return. She blinked her eyes, she tried to keep her emotions under control.

"Keep it in my office. I will check it" she cleared her throat. He put his file inside and left from there. 

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