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Here you go another chapter..


It's been five days since Catherine woke up. Now she can sit up and hold her daughter. The first time she held her, everything she felt, every insecurities she has vanished, her eyes teared up with an overwhelming sense of protectiveness, love and adoration for this little girl. And that's the second time in her life she fell in love with the same eyes. She looked exactly like Jeremy with a beautiful pair of green eyes.

"My baby" She cooed. The emptiness she was feeling filled with love for the little soul she is supposed to take care off and love unconditionally. The moment the baby fell asleep and the nurse came in to take her away. Again the emptiness gawked at her.

In these five days everyone came to visit her. Her parents, Jane,Cassandra, even Coltrane, everyone except Jeremy. Everytime she looked at the door hopefully it would get crushed.

Is he angry about what she decided?

Did he see their daughter?

Will she become daddy's princess?

Does he feel the same way she did?

For the last five days these are the thoughts revolving around her mind. And the fact that Jeremy is right outside in the hallway but not coming in only frustrated her.

The second day when He did not visit her, she asked Cassandra, "Where is he?"

Cassandra had a troubled look before telling her the truth that he is right outside.

"Can you tell him I want to see him?" Catherine asked hopefully which Cassandra refused and told her that Jeremy doesn't want her to know he is here. It's almost like he is punishing her. Tears filled her eyes falling one by one. Cassandra consoled her looking confused. She tried to control her emotions.

"Why is he doing this?" She asked, feeling choked.

"Only he can answer that," Cassandra said.

"Is he angry at me?" Catherine asked out loud. She cannot ask this to her parents nor Jane who is taking care of her. She is grateful for what Jane is doing. She treats her like she is her own daughter showering her with love more than her mother ever did.

"He is," Cassandra said, looking straight at her.

"I don't want him to choose between me and our baby. I cannot let him do that"

"Catherine explained it to him not me" she knows what Cassandra said makes sense but she is not in the mood of making sense anymore. Five days it's been five day since she is here stuck on this goddamn bed and the fact that he is right outside but refuses to see her.

"For that he needs to be here, he needs to listen to me let me see him. I am going mad. Why don't he understand?" She yelled tears filling her eyes.

"He does" Cassandra looked at her softly patting her hand.

"He does more than anyone and I believe he is punishing himself by not seeing you"

Cassandra looked away for a while putting her forefinger on her chin as if she was thinking something then smiled at her.

"When the first time he held the baby he cried, there were tears in his eyes. And when she started crying, Jeremy literally had a panic attack, he even tried to make funny faces to make her laugh. Can you imagine?" Cassandra chuckled causing Catherine to giggle as well.

"He loves her" Catherine said so confidently that the person who rushed hearing her yelling stand by the door felt his eyes pricked.

'I do' Jeremy whispered before leaving them to be.

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