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Hello dear readers before you start reading I would like to say that I am not a professional psychiatrist. So, if their is mistake, I am sorry beforehand. And this might be a weird and fast paced chapter but this is required so bear with it. In this chapter Cassandra will talk about her emotions. All of a sudden if you see change in Cassandra that will leave a huge plot hole so. So, beware of it..


Day I

"What are you here for? To stare at me?" Ronald asked her.

"I am sorry" Cassandra looked down, closing her eyes.

"For what?" Ronald will not give her an easy escape now she needs to know what she did and how grave it was.

"That.. I.." She gulped down a lump formed in her throat.

"That I tried to kill myself" she said at last.

He stared at her, not answering or saying anything.

"I was so invested in my sorrow that I did not notice all the people who were or are there for me. I decided that way out thinking it will end with me" Cassandra opened her eyes. He can see her glossy eyes.

"Why?" He asked nothingless. Cassandra sighed.

"You know already," she said.

"I don't" the soft smile returned on his face as she threw him a glare.

"I met my mother" Cassandra sighed again.

"She came to me for what I am not sure till now. I can't differentiate what was true or lie"

"And I got to know that I killed my baby. I .. I .. I purposely jumped in front of Austin's car" She said a tear fell from her.

"I killed my own child not only because I don't have a name. I don't have any existence. It was overwhelming at that time. And I was too broken to handle that and I did it" Cassandra said it at last. After thinking how to say what to say this was easier and after what she went through it's not as painful as it was before.

"I am glad that you said that. I was testing if you really come here on your own and I am glad you did. Let's work together" Ronald smiled at her. She blinked her eyes, staring at him.

"Thank you Ernest" She said at last.

"Well our session ends here. Friday at the same time. And I will not prescribe any anti depressant nor will you take any sleeping pills" Ronald said. She nodded her head..there schedule was 2 days a week. Monday and Friday.

Coltrane was waiting for her in the reception.

"How did it go?" He asked.
She blinked her eyes still in trance. She doesn't know how it was. It finished in a blink of any eyes. She feels a bit lighter other than that nothing changes.

"I don't know," Cassandra answered him.

"Don't worry slowly everything will turn back" Coltrane words sound assuring for once.

Day II

Here she is again standing in front of Ronald Ernest this time he was smiling.

"You told me something first that caught my eyes," he said.

"She came to me for what I am not sure till now. I can't differentiate what was true or lie"

"Exactly what do these words mean?" She stared at him in shock.
Before gaining back her thoughts.

"I told you already," she said.

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