chapter: 29

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Catherine stand in front of the company building, nervously. She sighed walking up to the company reception.

"Can I meet Jeremy?" She asked the receptionist. 

The receptionist woman sitting their give her a confused looked. This is the same woman who came with Jeremy a few days ago. But not many people call Mr.McGill informally. The receptionist looked at the nervous woman keenly before giving her a green signal. 

Catherine was standing their waiting for her answer.

"Mam, you can go to the executive floor. Their you can ask Rose. She will be sitting outside in the hall" The receptionist smiled at the lady, she might have called Rose for confirmation but this lady was with their boss last time. And Mr.McGill never enter in his office with a lady before her well after her he did enter with another lady but Catherine was the first. 

Catherine forced a smile, whispering a thank you before going inside. She went into the lift and make her way to the executive floor. She saw the lady sitting in the hall.

"Excuse Can I see Jeremy?"Catherine asked her. The lady looked at her coldly. She flinched her finger interwinded together.

"Sir has give me strict orders to not to let anyone enter" Rose look her up and down shaking her head in disapproval as  Catherine was dressed informally, when it was strictly ordered ot wear formal in office.

"Please tell him. I am Catherine McGill his wife" Catherine gulped down nervously. This is the first time she said the wife words her heart flutter.

"Off course miss and I am the queen of England" Rose rolled her eyes.

"Well, anyone can come in tell me she is his wife. Do you want me to believe that?" Rose mocked her.

"Please don't make it difficult. Go away" Rose ordered her, her job in in life. She can't take any risk.

Catherine's eyes widen she looked down, 'Can't you just bargain in like any other wife?' She mock herself.

"I am sorry to bother you but can you at least call him?" Catherine requested again.

"Please leave or I will call the security" Rose threatened her. She bit her lips tears of frustration filled her eyes. She walked off.

James walked out of Jeremy's room when he meet her, "What are you doing here? Madam" Catherine looked up.

"I want to talk to Jeremy" She said and sighed how many times did she say this same words? She lost count.

"You can but I need to distract Rose" James smiled mischievously. 

"Won't she get in trouble?" Catherine asked almost worried.

"I don't know" James sighed.

"But the question is whether you want to see him or not" He told her truthfully. Jeremy was in a bad mood so how will he react to this, even James has no idea.

"I want too" Catherine give him a grateful looked before nodding her head.

"Rose bring me a cup of coffee" Rose looked up to see James, as much as she wanted to blow him off she can't after all he is her senior and held an executive position, she walked off. 

James calls Catherine, showing her into his office. She silently entered the room. 

"I told you not to disturb me, James" Jeremy was working on his laptop when he heard the door open and close. He looked up annoyed at the disturbance.

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