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Here you go another chapter..


Catherine wakes up around 4 a.m too early for someone to wake up. Sweat accumulated around her neck she sighed. Her whole body ached. She slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom emptying her bladder. She returned back to the room.

Jeremy has not returned since yesterday. The thought of Jeremy only filled her eyes with unshaded tears like always and broke her heart a bit. She rubbed her eyes.

Catherine sighed and took out another one of his shirts. She went to the bathroom to take a shower. Her body relaxed under the hot water. She wears his shirt feeling the soft fabric against her skin makes her relaxed even more  though she tried not to think about him and where he is but her thought is stuck on that only.

Catherine went to the kitchen to eat anything that was in there. She has no idea what to cook or how to cook. Her best options are to eat those fruits in the fruit section and wait till 8 a.m to get actual food. She promised herself that she would make her baby her first priority.


"Grandma, how are you?" the little girl came towards her running. Her grandmother's eyes dulled looking at her. She stared at someone behind her, "Why did you bring her here?" 

"We understand that Father died but that doesn't mean. It's her fault" her father said kneeling down to her.

"Why don't you go play with her. While I talk to your Grandma" her father said pushing her towards Catherine. She smiled at her brightly.

"What are you doing here?" Catherine asked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Cassandra blinked her eyes.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Her mother rushed towards them.

"Stay away from her'' Carina slapped her tightly enough to make her lips bleed. Her eyes teared as she sobbed clutching her cheeks. She was just talking to her. Not once she did anything, Her eyes wander to her Grandma who was staring at the scene. She looked away only to feel a warm hand wrapped around her.

"Mommy she did not do anything. Please don't hurt her" little Catherine told her mother hugging protectively. Carina looked away from her and glared at her father who was still talking to grandma. Then she suddenly grabbed little Catherine digging her finger in her hand making her cry as Carina dragged her away from her. little Catherine struggled to reach her but she stood still.

Cassandra blinked her eyes gasping for air. The sedatives those doctors gave her worked wonders for a few hours as she slept. But it wears off too quickly much to her annoyance. Her head pounded as she sat up. She has no idea whether it's because of the dream or the injury. She rang the bell calling the nurse.

"My head is aching, can I get a painkiller?" Cassandra asked as soon as she entered.

"Sorry miss we can't allow any medicines other than the prescribed ones" the nurse apologized to her.

"Please ask the doctor" she pleaded with her. Her vision turned blurry again as she felt herself panicking before she lost her consciousness again.


Catherine slept for a while before waking up again at 7:56 a.m. She looked outside for a while. 

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