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Hello dear readers, I know I am not updating faster as I promised because I was sick. Now that I am better than before. I will again update with the speed of one chapter to two chapters a day and once I reached Chapter:30 I will update 3 to 4 chapters a day I promise. I wanted to complete this editing in one month after all.

Thank you for understanding and sorry for the inconvenience. But do enjoy..


Jeremy woke up earlier than he should have. It seems his sleepless night will continue on for how long he has no idea. Now he has time to think about what is happening in his life with a clear mind he shakes his head. A headache built up, what was he thinking?

Marrying her? Of all the people he agreed to marry her. He closed his eyes tightly.

His mother, Coltrane and Catherine, what he is supposed to do? What should he do?

The first thought popped in his mind that he cannot marry her but He said he will. Jeremy gulped going back on his words is not his thing but that will mean he legitly betrayed Coltrane not only that marrying her will only reopen his wounds. Wound, he is not sure if it is healed.

Jeremy might have loved her once but now he is uncertain about certain things that he held dear in his life. Does he have anything that he held dear? He does, his mother. Even though that woman will never believe him.First how he will convince his mother who would not even listen to a word he wanted to say.

In the past Jane had gone through betrayal. His father had an affair with a rich woman then married her while kicking him and his mother out. Jeremy has no recollection of his father, he does not remember clearly he was just a kid at that time but what his mother said was all he needed to know. He doesn't even know his father's surname.

Jeremy has seen his mother struggling with her life how much she did to bring him up, he can understand her side of the story but she needs to understand him too. He shook his head thinking that the past will not help his present.

Jeremy picks up his phone dialing his secretary, "I want you to make a marriage certificate with my and Catherine Walmart details" even though he has his doubts and contradictions about this whole contract marriage.

Jeremy sighed thinking about everything and decided he needed to let it go through with flow, but before anything else there is a question he wanted her to answer. A question he is dreading in to ask, since she said the baby is his.

Jeremy makes his way to the kitchen after freshening up and makes himself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning" he turned to look at Catherine. She was wearing a white long dress loose at her midsection up to her knees. This was one of the dresses she bought at the maternal store.

"Good morning" Jeremy greeted back pouring a glass of milk. He handed it to her. She silently took the glass without saying anything. They were silent as if they would break the serenity.

"I will take a bath then we will eat outside and go for the check up" Jeremy said making his way to the room she slept in. Taking out his clothes and rushing in.

Catherine was already awake for a while. She took a bath to relax her nerves but that did nothing to help her. The fact that she asked him to marry her. She bit her lips when he did not say a word about it. Her emotions are all over the place. Tears filled her eyes as she blinked her eyes to stop them from falling.

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