part thirteen

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Kanta chopped vegetables angrily. The pieces produced were uneven. Sonara stood at the kitchen door, watching the process.

Kanta said , " We should be well aware of our limits. Our status. Even when we know that the person in front is momentarily wrong, we should first remember if he was ever appreciably correct. Second, we should take care of where we stand before him. "

Kanta's anger came and went. She was calm now, the vegetables were put to the oil quite softly hence.

Also, Kanta was more angry at times with Sonara than actually needed. And Sonara liked it. Felt so dear.

" I don't know why, but it felt just too bad when he said I'm his servant. " , Sonara pursed lips.

" Did he actually say that? Or just nodded and withdrew from the situation? "

" Same things. "

" Not at all! Do you know who he is? "

Sonara now cringed her brows.

" There's a mall at the end of Biddon Street. Laila and Surbhi took me there one day. The mall itself isn't hi-fi. For common people. But the costliest shop out there is a cloth shop. Rangruchi. Air conditioned. "

Sonara smiled.
" I know what Rangruchi is. I've seen huge outlets of Rangruchi at many places in Mumbai. From branded malls to streetsides, they have shops everywhere I guess. Hoardings and posters fill the streets. So what? "

" So what? He, Jai Prakash Raichand is the owner of Rangruchi. "

Sonara's jaw almost dropped ten feet down.


" Yes. Jagga, you know him right. He knows everything about every corner of Mumbai. From our homes to 'their' homes. Jai's father is a biggie, Raghav Raichand. When I heard they own Rangruchi, I immediately knew how big he is. "

Sonara stared at the ground, deeply engrossed in something.

" Thereafter, such a big human comes to your chawl, beats the heck out of a goon, meets you at a bazaar on your request, takes you to the doctor first, and you cannot bear a simple nod from his side?

Who the hell are you to him that your heart demands so much? "

Kanta was simply talking while stirring the vegetables.

But she hardly knew how hard her last statement unknowingly hit Sonara, that she left the room immediately, unnoticed.

Feeding Humaira, Sonara tried to judge things. She definitely knew Jai belonged to high class, but owning a leading fashion brand is a whole new level! Yet Kanta or Jagga bhai could never be wrong.

Sonara felt really bad now. Just too bad. How could she be so judgmental? He had simply nodded, just nodded. Did she want him to sit before his friend and explain, how a tattered woman became his acquaintant?

But then, whatever she told him, wasn't even wrong enough. Not at all, more even after knowing his real status now. She had just tried to make him realise that they couldn't be friends, nor even was needed. So why keep increasing debts to him? Something she might not even repay ever?

The only thing that went wrong on her part was a thank you she had forgotten to tell last day. Didn't even matter. She had his number, could call him and thank him sometime.

Kanta knocked the door.

" You ran away without even telling me? And I went on blabbering!! "

Sonara ducked her tongue out and smiled. Kanta came and sat, taking Humaira in her lap.

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