part ninety eight

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Jai walked out...leaving Ayaan alone in his room, only to discover Sonara climbing up the stairs.

The grandfather clock across the lounge struck twelve thirty in the night.

They silently crossed paths, exchanging reassuring glances.

Sonara entered Ayaan's room. He was still sitting on the settee, dejected.

His mother's presence raised his head. She walked towards and settled beside him. He kept staring at her.

" This is so huge a sofa. I can easily sleep here. " , she said.

A smile slowly crept upon Ayaan's lips.
She knew he would feel insecure in a huge room within an almost empty mansion. Hence she was here.

Though... Jai's presence was equally comforting.......all these while.....

" I will sleep here. You sleep on the bed. " , he said.

Sonara nodded in negation. Then showed her lap.
" For the time being, you lie here. "

Ayaan immediately did. It was his favorite resort. Whenever his mind was unrest, Maa would know and would ask her to lie on her lap. It gave him utter peace.

Sonara passed fingers across his hair.

" How's Jai.... Ayaan? " , she carefully asked.

He remained silent for a long time.
Then softly uttered...

" A me. "

Sonara wiped off the impending tears.


Humaira stood at the window to her room.

The recent interaction with a woman who was her mother, played through her heart and brain.

She was calmer than usual. The full moon lit her room, as well as corners of her soul.

She suddenly realised, Dadda had slid in and was standing behind her now. And immediately she recollected, he had intended to slap her sometimes back. However, she couldn't help but turn.

He slowly walked upto and stood beside her.

" Mad at me? " , Jai asked.

Humaira thought for a moment. Then left a huge sigh but spoke nothing.
Jai moved closer and gave her a squeezing side hug. She couldn't help but smile.

" So, Apple Pie is not mad at Dadda.
She's smiling. Which means, green signal. "

Humaira pressed her lips.
Her eyes were yet again welling up.

" You never did that to me Dadda!
Never ever. " , her voice quivered.

Jai held her by the shoulders, turned her to face him and looked straight into her glittering water filled eyes.

" I'm sorry Apple Pie! You are the last person I would want to hurt on earth. You know that, don't you?
But you were being too irrational. "

Humaira said nothing, just stared at the ground.

Jai cuddled her. She too moved closer into a hug.
He then asked,
" How's Sonara..... Humi? "

She stayed inside his hug, silently for sometime. Then said,

" She deserves more love than I had.....imagined.
I'm not sure about anything else. "

A smile crept across his lips.
A peaceful smile.

The full moon night, was beautiful, indeed.


When Jai reached academy, it was past ten.

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