part hundred

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Ayaan sat staring at the helipad on a bench in the alleys.

His flight training officially was to begin today. He would have to just sit beside the trainer, in a Cessna 172, and watch the flight controls. This would continue for a good ten days, one hour per day until he would learn the steps by heart.

His eyes however, looked for....his father.

He was nowhere to be seen.
Ayaan wondered, if he deliberately avoided being around, because he had denied training from him.

He suddenly felt sad. Why did refuse that way? Did Jai deserve such resistance from his side? The next moment, he stiffened again, without much of a reason.

Jai and he had come together to the academy today. Exchanging small talks on the way. Ayaan had seen him in the garden last night too, at around four. Alone. Not smoking though.

Ayaan's immediate desire was to walk downstairs. But, couldn't.

He next.. wished to wake Maa up.
Ultimately, couldn't do that as well.

He hadn't let Jai know though, regarding eyeing upon him every night.
Also, that he couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, once again.

Ayaan suddenly found two silent souls standing next to him on either side.

He knew both of them.
Maya, and Farhan. He breathed deep. And stared at the helipad after throwing a glance both ways.

" So, you're going to fly high for the first time. Aren't you? " , Farhan asked.

Ayaan nodded. Somehow, he did not find his mind and body reacting any adverse to the new happenings.

Farhan exchanged glances with Maya. Ayaan seemed positive, and accommodating.

" Ayaan, have you seen how vast the sky is? " , he spoke again. Maya remained silent.

Ayaan nodded, yet again.

" You'll see, once you get to know how to fly in the grandiosity, your mind and heart will enlarge.

Just as.... each time we stand beside the enormous ocean, we grow into a better human. "
Farhan smiled, as Ayaan stared at him intently.

" True. " , he said for the first time.

Maya cleared her throat this time.

" I know you're not used to interacting with many people.

Even I wasn't...when I was your age. Or, until I met him. " , Maya spoke softly. Ayaan looked at her now, while she pointed at Farhan.

" My brother stayed away from me for a long time. But, when he finally returned to me, in all means, thanks to your mother, I knew the worth of a family. Of a sibling.

After that, when Farhan walked back to me, I craved for a life that included more and more people. While I once believed that I needed none. "

Ayaan took in every word she spoke, deep into his heart and soul.

Maya placed a hand on his shoulder.
" Like Farhan said, we need a large heart to accommodate all the love that's coming on our way. And also, to reciprocate. You already have one.

The sky will make you an even better human. Like it did to my brother....

I am sure, you don't hate your father anymore.. "

Ayaan wanted to nod sideways, immediately. But something stopped him. Yet again. And he was ashamed of... that 'something'.

" Go Ayaan. They are calling you. It's time you take your first step to enormousity. " , Farhan whispered.

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