part forty three

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" Jai!! Jai!!!! Jai, please wait, listen to me!!! "

Sonara was out of breath running after him.

Jai was on phone with someone.
He stopped and turned.

" Please! Please don't indulge into this. Maya ma'am said she'll take me to some commissioner. It's their job right? Law and order, as you say, not yours...

Then why are you....."

" Just as I said, not I but he was the one dragging me into this. Most importantly, it's you who is concerned. He managed to disarm you with his fake stories, threatened to play with a woman's honour against her will. Weakened a strong woman. I won't tolerate these. " , Jai got into the car.

And opened the other door.
" You too get in.
Otherwise you will die here, anxious."

Within seconds, Sonara was back with a sleeping Humaira in her lap.

" Place her on the backseat. " , Jai helped, placing some cushions around her so she didn't fall.

" Thank you for the offer of taking me along. I can control you, I believe, if need be. " , Sonara made a straight face.

Jai laughed.
" What exactly do you think I'm heading to do? "

Sonara stared at him, trying to judge.

" As far as I've seen, and known you, you are not into something very peaceful. Hope I'm proved wrong. "

Jai only smiled.

Sonara was highly astonished when Jai parked the car beside a place she was extremely aquianted to.

The chawl. Housing the workers of 'Fragrance Soaps'.

" Why are we here...... " , Sonara didn't finish, and kept staring at Jai's face, surprised.

" You sit in the car. I'll be back in sometime. " , Jai got down and vanished within seconds at a bend.

What exactly was he trying to do?
What new impulsiveness was his drastic mind going to exhibit?
Sonara could not judge at all. But she had no option than waiting patiently. She only prayed to Allah, that Jai be safe, and so be his relationship with his father.

Jai knocked onto one of the doors. A board next read, ' Male workers wing ' .

After quite sometime, a man in his mid thirties opened the door.

Thoroughly examining him from head to toe, he said, " Yes, whom do you want? "

" I want to meet the head of the Workers union of this factory. Is there anything as such? " , Jai said very politely.

The man watched him distinctly again. And said,
" Yes, every factory has one. But why do you want to meet the head? "

" Of course I do have some purpose, that might not be very harmful to you. If given a chance, I would like to explain. "

" Fine. Come with me. "

After almost ten minutes, Jai found himself sitting on a chair in the middle of the chawl. A handful of people were gathered all around, and right before him sat the heads of the male and female workers' union of the factory.

Susheel, and Kanta.

Jai could very well understand that he was recognized by almost everyone around. There were buzzes going on, and he ignored them.

" I'm here to know, how exactly do you feel working in this company as workers. I mean, do you get everything you think a worker should? " , Jai began after clearing his throat.

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