part thirty four

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Sonara tightened her hijab as she got down the car, pressing Humaira close to her chest and holding a bag in the other hand.

Her phone had been ringing constantly, she knew who it was.

Maya instructed the driver to park the car in the garage which was mostly behind the mansion.

As they got in through the gate and walked on the pebble studded path, Maya threw a glance at the phone ringing inside Sonara's purse.

" The dog, I suppose. " , she spoke in a low deep tone.

Sonara nodded a yes with a pale face.
Maya nodded in negation.
" Don't lose hope. That non-human has no idea how badly he's gonna be thrashed very soon. "

Sonara smiled. Every second with this energetic and confident woman, filled her with strength.

Maya stopped, just before ringing the bell to the most aesthetic teak door Sonara had ever seen.

The mansion was real huge.
Sonara understood, the woman beside her was a big thing.

" Listen Sonara.

This house is as much yours from this moment, as mine. Make yourself comfortable, don't shy around, don't lock yourself into the room allotted to you, ask for anything you wish from the maids, wear anything you want, and accept gifts I offer. These are the few rules you gonna abide by while staying here. "
She pressed the bell.

" And, switch that damn phone off now.

We'll talk of that nincompoop some other time. "

Sonara couldn't help but smile.

A maid opened the door.
Maya got in and welcomed Sonara.

Sonara walked in.
Her head twirled.

What an enormous living room!
She would definitely lose her way, around a corner and never find one back.

Maya instructed the maid,
" They're our guests from tonight.
Open the guest room in wing C.
It was cleaned two days back, right? "

The maid nodded.
Sonara's eyes didn't overlook the surprise on her face though.

Maya then turned to her.
" Had your dinner? "

Sonara nodded a yes, but her eyes still treaded the path of the receding maid.

" Okay then. Make yourself comfortable in your room, change to night clothes and we'll talk tomorrow morning. Fine? "

Sonara followed the maid who stood at a distance, waiting for her.

Maya smiled and walked away,  climbing upstairs.

Sonara stared at the maid again, who gestured her to come along.

Truly, the maid was brilliantly dressed, and anyone in her place would be more than surprised with a guest as Sonara in such a mansion.

Sonara however tried to get rid of such thoughts as she walked along. She would have to stay strong, accept everything good and bad that came along her way, and until situations didn't go drastically overboard, not bring in the thorn of self respect between everything, every now and then. More for her baby.

The guest room was another palace in itself. Sonara didn't know when her jaw had dropped.

The maid arranged every little thing, from switching on the air conditioning, to doing the blankets right, to filling pots with water, to putting the fridge on.

She then came forward to Sonara.

" You....Maya ma'ams....what? "

Sonara came out of the shock and stared at her for sometime. Trying to gather.

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