part thirty three

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Sonara watched Som walk in the shop and breathed a sigh of relief. She hardly knew the reason.

If Raqesh's warnings weren't hollow, a day was left for his demands being fulfilled.
Meanwhile he had called up once and Sonara had picked up without knowledge. He had said, he would meet her again, tonight and get her words. A positive reply would do good to her, a negative won't.

Sonara had only laughed within. She wasn't that weak. Not anymore.

Yes, she might not fight to a huge extent, but if he would force her, she had decided she'd walk into a local police station and get herself certain protections. If that helped even a bit.

She would face that dog once again tonight, and if he really sounded serious, the first thing she'd do tomorrow morning was to get to the police.

She'd neither leave the job nor the city just to escape a coward human who had to force women to marry him.

Sonara wondered, what was wrong with her that such hynaes crossed her paths again and again.

The confectionery had reopened yesterday, Humaira was currently sitting on a trolley next to her Sonara had packed with soft clothes.
She'd decided that she'd never let her out of sight.

Amongst all these, a smiling Som approaching her, suddenly filled her with utmost strength.

" Hey, what's up? "
Som asked.

Sonara nodded in positive. And threw back the same question,
" Hope you...and Jai sir are doing good as well. " , unknowingly she added the other name.

" Me doing very well, dunno about Jai.
Buddy has messed up his own life. "  , Som twisted his lips.

So he guessed it right. Jai had discarded Sonara off his life, really.

" Messed up, in the sense? " , Sonara was curious. Though discarding Jai off her life was completely her decision,  her heart skipped a beat. What if Raqesh Chhetri was messing with him....already? 

" Errm.... Actually, a very uninterested Jai Raichand joined business. Hence, the consequences follow... "

" Oh my god! Why did he join business? He is much more interested in.... " , Sonara gulped back words. Was she really supposed to know much about him? 

Som on the other hand drifted away with some other thoughts. How weird was it of Jai to suddenly take such drastic decisions, owing to only his father's personal experiences!
How could to a company lawyer that way, referring to her religion?
And what made him leave a struggling woman like Sonara's hands 'cause of her religion suddenly?

Som had heard everything regarding the meeting fiasco from Jai himself, but had only pitied him for his distress.
Raghav Raichand too had stopped going to office after Maya slapped Jai, but had resumed since yesterday.
Jai hadn't, and won't too if not Maya welcomed him back.
Raghav didn't insist him as well. The father-daughter-son trio hardly talked.

Somehow, Som supported that stone faced woman for the first time from within. At least she was not blind, owing to some personal issues of her father.

" Let it be.
Everyone has issues which clear up as well. So you are doing good, right? " , he wanted to drop the discussion.

Sonara realised, Som was preoccupied by something else, something he was not very keen on sharing with her.

She too lied again, nodding a yes.

Som's phone began ringing, and he excused himself away from her.
Humaira suddenly giggled from beside.
And these few moments made Sonara ponder upon certain things.

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