part eighty seven

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Jai Prakash Raichand sat in his cabin, gawking intently at the computer monitor.

Humaira was comfortably settled beside him, munching apples.

She looked jovial.

" Dadda....! "

" Hmmm. "

" Grab this apple. "

" Pch. I'm busy. "

" Dadda, don't angry me. "

" Humaira, don't disturb me. Go sit in the washroom. "

Humaira silently giggled. She was here for the last two hours, watching her Dadda interview bunches of candidates who were here to enroll into commercial flying programs, in their academy. Most of them were graduates, or college goers.

She enjoyed this process during every admission session. And she was lucky enough this time, because she could visit everyday now, throughout the admission week, with her vacations in progress.

Meanwhile, Ms Lee, Jai's PA, knocked on the door.

" Yes Ms Lee? "

" Sir, will you interview private lesson enrollers? No, right? "

" I never do that, do I? " , Jai shrugged.

" Sorry sir, there's this boy actually, he wishes to meet you before enrollment.
Shall I say a no to him? "

" Wishes to meet me? Okay, fine. Send him. " , Jai exchanged glances with Humaira, as Ms Lee exited.

" Heheh! He wants to meet the dean. That's natural. " , Humaira said.

" I'll soon exhaust and lay flat on the ground, if I have to meet each and everyone this way. " , Jai twisted his lips.

Humaira felt his exhaustion.

" Dadda, for god's sake... eat something. Fruits won't harm. "

He smiled and picked up a slice.

The door pushed open.

" May I....come in? "

They looked in the direction.

" Yes please, come in. " , Jai smiled.

Hesitantly, a boy stepped in.

He looked not more that eighteen, was dressed in a suit, and a pair of glasses. His hair neatly done.
The glasses couldn't hide a couple of deep set intelligent eyes that shone behind them.

" Sit, my boy. " , Jai said.

He threw a glance at him, then looked at the floor while settling on the chair.

The huge, thoroughly lit, chilled cabin, could not decrease the streams of sweat flowing down Ayaan's spine.

The man before him.....was his father.

Ruffled long hair, trimmed moustache, and dense beard. A tall feature tucked inside a loose cotton shirt..
But, a smile so amicable, that he couldn't detest him even a bit, in the first place.
And...a pair of soft, yet so sad, that he couldn't stare at them for long.

No.... Never...
What was happening to him? Why the freaking hell was he admiring him all of a sudden?

He wasn't here to fall weak. Because if he did, his mother would just crumple, and he wouldn't be able to take her back.

Ayaan's gaze now shifted to the girl beside.

Extremely beautiful.
She had her mother's eyes.

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