part thirty five

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" Booo!! Taah!! Gaga!! "

In the storm silence, Humaira's giggles and coos hit their ear drums. Hard.

The baby was holding out one of her little hands to Jai, and was smiling as if she got a lost plastic toy back. A dear one.

The rage building up inside, and squeezing the veins of his brains, suddenly lost tension. As if.

Jai Prakash Raichand forgot to burst out a couple of words bubbling inside his body, " What the fucking hell are you doing in my house?

You ungrateful Muslim woman, you need something again, don't you?

Hence all those phone calls, and now you reached my house!!

But listen you woman, drop that innocent mask off your face.
I was so right once that I disliked your race. You ruined everything, on that ominous stormy night.

No longer. Get lost. Once and for all!!!! "

But, not a word escaped his lips. A baby girl sucked in all his rage, in a momentary intervention.

Sonara Parvez was shaking within. Though she could never show it on face.
Every puzzle piece was fitting suddenly.

Raichand. Muslim. Storm. 'He'.

Hadn't she vowed not to ever cross paths with him again?

Why the hell was Allah testing her this way? Why?

There, his face was changing creases. From utter surprise, to utter disgust.

He was on the verge of bursting, and Sonara, on the verge of taking in and throwing back as well, when suddenly Humaira intervened.

Bringing it all down, in a fraction of time.

Jai didn't respond to Humaira's demands of reaching out to him, but the veins of his brains did. So did his heart.

There was nothing more painful for a child to find her mother being shouted at, however a baby she was.

Hence, only for Humaira.

Jai toned himself down as much as he could.

" What...the hell are you doing in my house, Mrs Sonara Parvez? "

The hatred oozed through every nook of his slowly spoken words. Within gritted teeth.

Sonara didn't really know when, her lips had curved into a sarcastic smile.

Whom was he trying to annoy with the overemphasized 'Mrs' ?

As if Sonara cared about a husband-wife relationship any longer.
Any dog would like to be her husband. Had been even.

That didn't matter much to the life of a woman, sold by her own mother, to be 'the city's one night stand'.

Clearly, and confidently, curling Humaira tightly in her arms, she declared,
" I'm Maya Raichand's guest, Jai Prakash Raichand Sir!
I hope you know that brilliant woman. "

Jai's brows squeezed, almost beyond recovery.

" Maya's guest??? 

I see. So you reached Rangruchi to get hold of me. Right? "

Sonara now walked closer.
" I wish you start considering yourself, a bit less important to my life.

Mr Raichand, you are disgusted with me, guessing that I'm ungrateful, despite whatever you have done for me.

I declare, I'm not.

I'm just afraid that if I stay close to you, I might keep depending on you for every small thing.

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