part fifty eight

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The rains were always odd in their timings.
Sonara had observed, everytime it rained, she felt it was only adding to the melancholy. The heaviness.

She now sat before Maya, who stared through the glasses...outside, supposedly taken along with the northern winds accompanying the rains.

They were seated at a streetside cafe.

The silence was disturbing Sonara. But she had no choice than wait patiently.

Maya suddenly returned to stirring the coffee before her. As if shaken out of memories, by no one or nothing in particular.

She cleared her throat.

" I was not a talkative kid. Not even a friendly youngster. Neither a socialite.

I could not make huge number of friends. Did not, actually. For me, a relation is a responsibility, meant to be nurtured properly. And I could not be responsible to a huge lot.

In school, I had four friends. And they were solid ones. I still am in contact with all of them, although scattered in different parts of the globe.

In high schools, the number decreased to two. They weren't extremely close, yet close enough that I could call them in need still.

And when I stepped into ICM, my BBA hub, I did not want to make a single friend. My entire focus was to study hard and become a huge part of Rangruchi at least, if not, set up my own business empire.

I had heard heart breaking stories of my friends indulging in love and sorts at this point of their lives, and losing focus.

Hence, I shunned company. Shunned men. Shunned professors as well who did not look reliable. You know what I mean.

I concentrated only on lectures and books, and like always I was classified as snobbish or boring.

I did not want attention, neither gave some to any. If I found someone around me for more than five minutes, I felt uncomfortable and changed places.

But this was not the case with only one individual in the whole batch.

Most men and even girls who tried to befriend me, failed soon and didn't give a damn thereafter, but this particular manchild, didn't tire out for a continuous one month. "

Sonara knew very well, Maya's voice trembled. She carefully examined her eyes. Water didn't appear yet, but....

She prepared herself, as a patient listener.

" He was a kid. A baby who smiled without reasons. Who was always jumping and happy without any need to be. Who couldn't see others sad and lonely and depressed.
Who would talk with no ends but who would lose not a calorie of energy doing that. Who would make you laugh with his nonsense even when you were determined not to, you would definitely fail in your last attempt to remain stern before his attempts.

Farhan Khan. "

Sonara, as if knew it. It did not come in as a shocker at all.....suddenly.
Suddenly, she could connect dots.
Suddenly she remembered where and how she met Maya. And how an orthodox Hindu family member, could bring her home without a second thought.

" I could not restrain him.

Because, maybe, I didn't want to.

There was nothing on earth, I could not do if I didn't wish to.

But strangely, Raghav Raichand's daughter, gave in to him, slowly and steadily, in all consciousness. "

Maya scratched the table. Sonara stared unblinking.

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