part seventy eight

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Raghav Raichand grabbed his temple. His throbbing head seemed to be on the verge of liquefying any moment. His lungs failed to inhale a single drop of air, and his mouth seemed dead dry.

All he could manage to utter was....
" Siddhi...... You too..... " , his face squeezed in utter disgust.

Siddhi ran towards him, and held his hands.
" Raghav, for once, just for once get out of the darkness, and try accepting the light. They love each other, a lot. I have seen a different version of Jai, owing to this love. Raghav, for once, give them a chance... "

Raghav pushed her away. Evidently she did not soothe him at all, rather seemed unduly irritating.

Jai stood stern in the middle of the room. And Sonara, at a distance. Her eyes red, though, not a drop oozed from them.

Raghav almost tumbled down the room, and stood right before his son.
" I were sensible, sensitive. I thought, you realised my pain, my......ideas, my....thought processes... "

He slowly clapped his hands.
" Wow, Jai! Wow...
Now I know, you have no bloody personality of your own. You once danced to my tune, now, to your sister's. Wow. Wow. Shame on you.
SHAME ON YOU!!!!! " , he screamed.

Jai shut his eyes tight, trying to contain the volcanifying anger.

" Dad..... I respect you a lot. Don't test me. " , he uttered distinctly.

" Respect?
I don't need any!!! At least, from you.... " , he seemed to be losing his self. His words, weren't distinct enough.

An utter fear gripped Jai immediately.
He knew, the blow from him was tremendous. What if it took a toll on his health right away? 

Jai immediately grabbed his shoulder.
" Dad....
Dad, calm down!!! 
This ain't worth it.
Dad, sit, sit here. Just sit here once. "

And Raghav sat on couch. He seemed to be losing balance. Siddhi ran to him, holding his shoulder.
And Sonara, stood still.

Jai knelt down before him.
" Dad, I love her, and I would have done so even if she was a Hindu, a Christian, a Sikh, a Buddhist.
Because I love the human in her. My heart did not purposely reach out to her and her child, because I was planning to hurt you.
Please, please try and understand Dad... I... "

" YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!! " , Raghav screamed again.
" She'll kill you! They will kill you!! They are dangerous.. I know, I've seen..... "

Sonara shut her eyes tight.

" DAD!!!!!
Do you even know what you're talking????? 
She loves me Dad!!!!! It's mutual....
Why the fucking hell will she kill me? " , Jai's voice cracked.

" Oh god.... I don't wanna live. " , Raghav Raichand was demolishing, as he grabbed his head.

" Dad, Dad, look at me. For once. Look at her.

Nandini!!!!! Bring Humaira here!  " , Jai shouted.

" No!! No!! Noooo!!!
Don't bring that child to me. Just don't, DON'T!!!!  " , Raghav screamed again.

Sonara observed the change in the creases of his face distinctly.

Nandini walked in, Humaira was wailing. Jai immediately ran and took her in his lap.

Raghav shot up from the couch and ran upto a window.

" Dad, please look at her once. can never ignore the simplicity in the eyes of a kid. She's a Muslim too Dad!! Just look at her, does she look like a killer to you? " , Jai pulled Raghav's elbows.

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