part eighty nine

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" Maa, let's go to the billing section.
My interview is over it seems, since Mr Raichand has got nothing more to say. " , Ayaan stared at Sonara.

She shifted her gaze from Jai towards him, because the later too was now staring at Ayaan.

Sonara hardly knew what she should do next, because, truly, Jai did not say a word.

He seemed to have gone completely numb, and she could not blame him, for anything in life, just anything.

Sonara kept sitting.
Ayaan could see a tremendous sadness engulf her eyes.

He looked at Jai. The man was now looking elsewhere, at the table, or at the floor, he did not know.

Was Ayaan...really right then? Did his father, not actually need his mother? Then....why did Humaira say, he had been awaiting her arrival, for a long eighteen years?

For the first time, Ayaan's head hurt. Quite a lot.

" Get up Maa! " , as a result, he spoke with all his might, displaying the authority he held over her, and also, the right.

" You don't have to pay the bills Ayaan! "

Jai Prakash Raichand spoke, for the first time, after Humaira's exit.
This time, his voice sterner than what Ayaan had been witnessing since his arrival.

Sonara straightened.

And Ayaan's jawline grew firmer.

Ignoring the pain that rose in the veins of his temple, he countered,
" I don't need your damned money, Mr Raichand! I'm here because it's the best place to learn flying. I'll pay my own bills, because just as you said, if I don't, it'll be an insult to the freaking bloody hardwork my mother endures everyday just to make me smile, while you stayed aloof for eighteen years. "

" AYAAN!!! " , Sonara shot up from the seat, glaring at her son.

Jai breathed deep, deeper, deepest.

Ayaan stared at his mother, the pain engulfing his throat..
He kept staring at her fiery eyes, without a word.

" I had told you several times to talk with the respect he deserves! I won't endure a word you say beyond your your father!!!! " , Sonara uttered distinctly, with authority.

Jai stood, staring dumbstruck at the woman. His love.

Though, he knew not if he should have any positive reaction to the situation as a whole, he hardly knew if he should feel contented seeing his love standing for him, against his own son, Jai stared at her, containing all his desire to go and hug her tight.

Ayaan could not react. Nor a word left his mouth, for a long time.
While Sonara kept staring at him, silently drawing all his strength it seemed.

However, his soul protested yet again.
" You know everything, you know I'm here to pay my bill. Then why now?
Is his presence so conquering that you forgot every promise I took from you? "

Ayaan screamed suddenly, unable to take in anything anymore.

That was it.

Sonara immediately placed a tight slap across his face.

Jai wanted to shriek, but failed.
He had no right to come in between a mother and her son, however much the later bore his chromosomes.
He silently cupped his face.

Ayaan was so vehemently shocked, that he could not react for a long time after this.
His eyes welled up, but Sonara stood unperturbed, almost fuming.

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