part thirty one

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" How shameless can you be, Mr Chhetri? " , Sonara gritted her teeth.

A shrewd smile piled up on his face as he examined her from all sides, leaning on his bike.

" I didn't expect you to be so eager to meet me, to run down the hostel spontaneously. " , he smirked.

Sonara nodded.
" Of course. I was very eager to spit on you. May I? "

" Haha. Poor girl.
Anyways, the clock's never at rest. Six days from now, and if not willfully, you'll be picked up and made to sit beside me in a temple. And I'll rub you all over with vermilion.

I'm already freezing inside at the feels of the first night we'll share together, sweetheart! "

Sonara couldn't help but really spit, not on him but at his feet. The disgust her stomach was churning with, could not easily be contained.

" How on earth did you imagine even, that I'll marry you?
I'm not a weak chicken, if you think that way. " , Sonara slowly wiped off the unnecessary disgust and made a straight face.

" Uhu! You ain't a weak chicken at all! You are a wild cat. And I love those things quite much. I like taming.. you see, and am quite good at that.
That day too I would have tamed you and we would have had a gala time together, had not that short tempered beast arrived and spoilt everything. "
He scratched his stubble.
" By the way, I don't bear anything but fellow feeling for him.
Anyone who would see you is ought to have...... " , he began to laugh badly.

Every cell of her body forced her to raise a hand, but every centre of her brain wanted otherwise.
Such men were actually coward in all sense, but could prove dangerous despite being dumb.

" Fine then. Let's see who wins. I still suggest you, get a life. Marrying me might gift you a body to play with every night, but honestly, no man would need only that as a wife, I swear. I know, I have seen that happen.

I can't wilfully ruin your life. "

Sonara turned to go.

" Jai Prakash Raichand might not find this a good news.

A beast with a kind heart, he'll definitely run in to save you from me. Lol.

Sorry, but your will and all don't matter to me. Just as I said, I am good at taming wild hollow cats.

That impulsive rich lad might prove harmful, but I've decided that both way it's his loss.

I'll keep a bunchful of police who are my dad's friends, at hand. To help my marriage happen peacefully.

Let him come. It'll be a breaking news, not a good one for his dad. "

He smirked and whooshed away with his bike.

Sonara kept standing, thoughtlessly for sometime.

How big an idiot was this man?
Such hollow and fake warnings on his part, did he really think he could make her do again, what some people made her do one day? 
Did he really imagine he could tame her to the extent of marrying her?
Did he really think his 'bunchful of police' (if any even) could make her marry against her will?
Did he really think that she'd even give a chance to Jai Prakash Raichand to push himself into her matters, again? 

No. Never.

As time passed, she believed that she could do everything for herself once again. She believed that Allah didn't really want that she remain indebted to someone, hence placed her in situations for which she had to look her own way out, once again.

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