Chapter 1

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ok, well, here's the first bit, It hasn't been edited for grammar mistakes, but again, if you like it, comment, rate and fan please and I'll update every now and then, sorry I'm not more specific, but me and schedules are not on speaking terms, enjoy


"come on Maggie!" I growled. "Ellen, we'll get in so much trouble." squeaked Maggie. "ok, you stay out this sketchy alley....with all the rapists." I said. "I'm coming with you!" she shouted, I clamped my hand over her mouth and made her be quiet. "look, this is only going to work if you listen to me." I hissed, she nodded.  

"ok, go lay down on the ground over there." I said, she looked at me. "trust me." I said, she grumbled but laid on the ground. I took a deep breath, I'd been planning this for a while, a long while. I walked over to the metal back door, I knocked hard and shouted. "help!" I kept banging. "I really need help, please!" the door finally opened and a security guard was standing there. 

"what is it?" he asked. "please help me! My friend just collapsed!" I shrieked, he ran over to Maggie and I quickly look behind him. A singe hallway, no security, perfect. I kicked a little pebble right at the edge of the door, then I ran over to the guard and maggie. He was kneeling by her and she was coughing. "ma'am whats wrong?" asked the guard, she kept coughing and I started signaling inhaler behind the mans back. "inhaler!" she shrieked and he rummaged around in her pocket and grabbed it. 

She did one then started breathing normally. "you girls ok?" he asked, we nodded. "thank you so much, we really appreciate it, I'm going to take her home now." I said, he nodded, then walked back inside. I waited till the door nearly closed then went and listened till I couldn't hear his footsteps.  

"Ellen, I feel really bad about this." said Maggie. "shut it!" I growled, then opened the door, thanks to the pebble that kept it slightly opened and slipped in, dragging maggie behind me. I walked down the hall and checked both ways, then walked down another hallway.  

I was fucking lost in the halls, but I just kept going. I heard screaming, we must be close. I grinned and turned a corner, then slammed right into two guards. I looked up at them and smiled. They crossed their arms and frowned. "what are you two doing here?" asked one. "just going to the show." I said and tried to brush past them, but they wouldn't let me. 

"you two broke in here." stated the other. "you two are in big trouble." said one. "you could go to jail, breaking and entering, trespassing..." started another, Maggie was cowering behind me and I saw just glaring at them. "hey, what's going on here?" asked someone and I realized they were Irish, and not just Irish, but it was siva.  

He walked up behind us and looked at the security. "these two girls broke in and are trespassing." growled one of the guards. "is this true girls?" asked siva, I nodded. "yup, sorry bout that seev, it's just me and my friend had to travel four hours to get here and we didn't even get tickets. We just wanted to come and tell you boys how proud of you we are." I said, he smiled. 

"there's no problem here boys, they're with me." said siva, a grin slowly spread across my face as the guards walked away. "you didn't have to do that for us." I said, he nodded. "I know, but you obviously worked hard to get here and you clearly didn't mean any harm." he said. "now go on, or you'll miss the show, just take a left down the hall and you'll be close to the front of the stage." he said. I smiled. 

"thanks siva." I said, he just smiled. "no problem." he answered, then walked off to get changed. I grinned and dragged Maggie down the hall, she was clearly having a deer in the headlights moment and wouldn't snap out of it. I pushed her through a door and through a crowd of screaming girls and we were a few rows from the front.  

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