Chapter 19

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Ok, so, as you all will figure out when you continue reading I've got scars in the book, well, I really do have the scars on my stomach and thighs, well, I didn't cut myself, but I havent figured out if I'm going to put how I actually got them in yet, but I'm sure by the end of the book you all will know how I really got the scars, incase any of you are interested x


I woke up when I was unceremoniously shoved onto the floor. "ow." I moaned and then I looked up and saw the rest of the crew was playing poker and that I was in underwear and nathans shirt. I yipped and jumped back into the bed, slamming into Nathan who was laughing. "what the hell?" I growled, he just laughed as I pulled on Jean shorts. "well, we're going to drop you off near your aunts place, then we've got to go do stuff, but we'll come get you." he said, I nodded. "why the hell would you shove me off the bed?" I asked, he grinned.

"cause it was funny as hell." he answered, I growled and slapped him lightly. He rubbed his cheek and gave me his little boy lost face. "want me to kiss it better?" i asked, He nodded and I kissed his cheek. "better?" I asked, he nodded. "but my lips hurt to." he whined, I grinned and kissed him. "that may have been the cheesiest line I've ever heard." I said, he just laughed. "but you still kissed me, so it worked." he said, I shrugged. "guess you're right." I replied, then slipped out of bed and grabbed a bottle of coke and opened it.

"alright Ellen, you can get off here." said kenny, I nodded and gave Nathan a kiss, then walked off the bus. I walked till I came to my aunts house and knocked on the door. she answered and hugged me. "Ellen, it's so Great to see you." she said, I smiled. "you to, I happened to be in the area so I decided to come see you." I said. "well come on, we were just eating breakfast." she said and she led me to the kitchen were bob, maren and Alex were.

They looked at me weird. "guys, ellens in the neighborhood and decided to stop by." said Anna. "oh, cool, but we don't have a third ticket for the concert tonight." said maren. "what concert?" I asked. "I doubt you'll know them." she said, I smiled. "try Me." I said. "the wanted." she stated.

I couldn't help the huge grin that spread across my face. "oh,I know them." I said. "really, are you a glad you came fan or their fan?" she asked. "oh I'm their biggest fan." I said, she nodded. "they're hot." she said, I laughed. "this is to perfect." I said, then grabbed my phone.

I called Nathan and waited till he picked up. "miss me this much?" he asked, I laughed. "you wish stupid sloth, my cousins are fans of the wanted." I said, he laughed. "no one can resist my natural charm." he gloated, I scoffed. "uhu mr. My lips hurt to, natural charm." I laughed. "anyway, bring the bus around whenever you're done with your stuff." I said. "will do." he said. "alright, see you later babe." I said, then hung up.

"who was that?" asked Alex. "my boyfriend, he and his friends are Gunna come pick me up soon." I said, they nodded. I sat down and we talked and ate and laughed and caught up. I heard a honk and knew the bus was here. "those are my Friends." I said, then there was a knock. "it's open!" shouted Anna, the door opened and I heard people walk in.

I saw Nathan walk into the kitchen and marens jaw dropped. "holy crap!" she shouted, I laughed. "yup, this is Nathan, my boyfriend." I said, Nathan walked over and pulled me into a half hug while the other boys came in. Maren got their autographs and we talked for a long time. "come on, you can come to the show on the bus." said Nathan, we all made our way to the bus and did the show, it passed way to fast.

Before I knew it it had been several days and I was on a plane heading to south America. I'd have to figure out what to do with my scars, but hey why do today what you could do tomorrow?

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