Chapter 48

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I went into the kitchen and after Tom opened the bacon maker I started cooking it and looked at Nathan sitting awkwardly on the couch with his shirt on and a pillow over his lap. I giggled as I saw him. "that was fucking hilarious." I laughed, he chuckled and nodded."ya." he said. "come on Sykes, go put some pants on." I said, he stood up and grabbed his boxers off the floor and pulled them on, then grabbed jeans.

"so, what to do today?" he asked. "well, we're in Manchester." I said. "so." he started. "wanna go to a pub and watch the united vs city game?" I asked, he grinned. "let's go!" he said and took my hand. We ran off the bus then I stopped. "no running, lazy remember?" I asked, he just chuckled and slowed down.

We walked down the street till we found a pub and we went in. We sat at the bar and I showed the guy my fake American ID, which he accepted and Nathan showed his. "what can I get you two?" he asked. "don't want to get two drunk, it's only like three." I said. "so I'll take a guinness." I said, the man nodded. "and you sir?" he asked. "I'll have the same." he said, the man leaned under the bar and handed us each a bottle of guinness.

We watched the game and I noticed that most of the people there were guys, with about two girls. Wow, guess I was one of the few girls who liked footie. "Nathan, watching the whole game can get a bit boring." I said, he nodded. "but we have to stay till the end." I ended, again he nodded. "every time one of city people fall we take a shot, every time one of united players fall we take two shots." I said, he grinned and asked for a six shots.

They fell, a lot and near the end of the game we were both extremely tipsy. I w sitting in nathans lap as we watched the game and we did shots. A united player and a city player ran into each other, they both fell and brought down a second untied. "oh god, thats..." I started counting my fingers. "five shots!" I said holding up my left hand. Nathan laughed and ordered another ten shots.

I did three and moaned. "I don't want to do anymore." I whimpered. "sissy." said Nathan. "am not!" I shouted. "are to!" he replied. "I am not a sissy Nathan Sykes!" I shouted and did the last shot. Nathan was laughing and everyone was shooting us weird glances.

"another city fell." he said and got another two shots. I groaned. "my stomach hurts." I moaned. "ok, you don't want to do anymore?" asked Nathan, I shook my head. "then say I'm the best." he started. "say 'Nathan Sykes you are the hottest, sexiest, best drinker and the most awesome guy in existence and I am just a sissy who can't drink' and you have to shout it!" he said, I jumped up on the bar and the bartender stared at me.

"NATHAN SYKES YOU ARE THE HOTTEST, SEXIEST, BEST DRINKER AND THE MOST AWESOME GUY IN EXISTENCE AND I AM JUST A SISSY THAT CAN'T DRINK!" I screamed and everyone was staring at us. "that's a good video for twitter." said Nathan as he typed on his blackberry. "don't do it!" I slurred and jumped on him.

He fell off his chair and we both hit the floor. He was on the bottom and he grunted when he hit it. "to late!" he shouted and I moaned. "carry me home." I groaned, he stood and picked me up bridal style and started carrying me down the street. "you can usually drink a lot, what's up with you?" he asked, I giggled. "I drank a bunch on the bus before we went to the pub." I said, the edges of his lips turned up in a smirk.

"why you smirking?" I slurred, he looked down at me and his smirk had turned into a full blown smile. "because, it's just so like you to drink before you go to a bar." he snickered. "hey, don't laugh at me." I whined, he laughed. "I wasn't laughing at you cause I think it's silly, I was laughing at you cause I love it." he said, then it started to rain. "my hair!" he squealed and dropped me in the street.

I got soaking wet as I splashed into a puddle and gaped at Nathan as he put his hands over his hair. He looked at me and we stared at each other for a few moments. Me on my side on the ground, grabbing my ass where it hit the pavement, Nathan standing trying to cover his hair as the rain pored down on both of us.

Then we both burst out laughing and he helped me up. "sorry about that." he said as he put his arm around my shoulder and I burrowed into his jacket. We got to the bus and he pulled me to a stop. "you know it's pouring rain right?" I asked, he nodded. "we stopped because...." i started, waiting for him to finish it,

"you know in all those movies the romantic kiss they always have in the rain?" he asked, I nodded. "and you know how the girl always get cut off in the of her rant cause the guy kisses her?" he asked. "ya but what d...." I started, and his lips crashed against mine. It was a slow sweet kiss and the cold water streaming down my skin in contrast to nathans hot body pressing against mine was incredible. He bit my bottom lip and the kiss turned from sweet and slow to hungry and needy in seconds.

"any hotels around here?" I asked between breaths as I pulled away. "why?" he asked as he kissed my neck. "maggies on the bus, you know they'll yell at us." I replies, he chuckled. "lets go to max's house, it's just down the street." he said, then he took my hand and we ran. We got to max's house and slammed on the door. Nothing. "max!" shouted Nathan as he pounded more. "you opposed to just doing it in the street?" he asked, I opened my mouth to reply when the door opened to reveal a shirtless max.

"max, mate, can we crash here?" asked Nathan. "why the bus is right there." said max confused. "ya, but maggies there and they won't let us...." said Nathan, trailing off at the end. Max chuckled. "so you two are on my doorstep, asking to use my spare bedroom so you two can fuck?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the doorframe, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"basically." I said. "well you interrupted Tom and I on the bus." started max. "oh get in here." said Tom from over max's shoulder. We shoved past max and Tom pointed down the hall towards the room. I gave him a kiss on the lips, he was gay after all and Nathan pulled me down the hall.

"aw Tom, I wanted to torture them." moaned max, Tom laughed. "I'll make it up to you later Maximilian." said Tom, I grinned. God they were fucking great together. "yes you will." chuckled max. "couch?" asked Tom. "the family won't be home for a few hours." said max. "perfect le...." said tom, then the door closed and Nathan was on me.

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