Chapter 17

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I woke up because I heard shouting. I groaned and opened my eyes. I saw the curtain had been pulled back and I was looking over at the bed of jay and Maggie, but their curtain was there so all I could see was the red curtain. I continued to hear the shouting and I rolled onto the floor and laid on my stomach for a few seconds, then pushed up and stood.

I growled as the yelling was loud and clear. "I can't believe you!" shouted one. "oh shut it." growls the second. "we're watching this." yelled the first. "no, this!" retorted the other, I pushed the curtain across the room and left the sleeping place and saw max and Tom toe to toe, each with a movie in their hands.

I walked over and grabbed each of their ears and dragged them across the space and threw them onto the couch. "you did not just fucking wake me up for a stupid movie." I growled, they both gave me wide eyes. "oh..." started max. "nope, guys, shut up, you woke me up, I choose." I growled, then grabbed a random movie and shoved it in. It happened to be toy story three. "the, now shut up and watch it and next time, don't fight." I hissed, then went back to bed where Nathan was smirking at me.

"what?" I snapped, my hands on my hips and He grinned. "you're cute when you're mad." he said sweetly, i lost all my anger and seeing Nathan say that was like having a cute kitten purr cause all I wanted to do was hug him. "just wait till I'm mad at you, then you won't find it so cute." I said, he cocked his head to the side. "why would you be mad at me?" he asked. "what do you mean? We fight all the time." I replied, he scoffed.

"those aren't fights, that's just us with our ups and down." he said, I sighed and sat next to him. "why the fuck do you put up with me? I yell at you for the stupidest shit." I said, he laughed and pulled me closer to him. "cause the apologies are so worth the fights." he said, I grinned. "ever heard the song 'na na na' by one direction?" he asked, I nodded.

"that's us." he said and I just smiled. "ya, it is." I sighed, and rested my head on his chest. He'd pushed the sheet down to his waist so I could cuddle with him and I loved him for it. "thanks nath." I sighed. "for what?" he asked as he started playing with my hair. "for putting up with all my shit." I replied, he grinned. "your lips touch mine, fuck all the drama." he said, I looked up at him completely confused and he just chuckled.

"you'll find out soon enough." he laughed and pulled me against him. I started to push the sheet off so I could jump under the covers, but he grabbed my hand. "doubt you'll want to do that." he said, I raised my eyebrows. "what?" I asked, he gave me a sheepish look. "I...uh...remember last night I went to bed in just a towel?" he asked, I nodded. "I lost the towel." he said and he blushed.

I laughed and laughed and laughed. "oh god Nathan, how just like you!" I giggled. "I bet the towel didnt get lost, it saw what it was touching and ran away!" I screeched in laugher, he just grumbled and reached for me. I giggled and ran, then threw him a pair of boxers and went to the back of the bus, where a bunch of the crew was eating breakfast.

"morning." I chirped, then I saw Tom and max watching toy story three with somber expressions. I walked over and laughed. "guys, I don't mean shit I say in the morning. As soon as I turn around you can do whatever you want." I said, they smiled and Tom shoved in some gory movie and I rolled my eyes and giggled as Nathan came out in lime green briefs.

I grabbed him by his boxers and pulled him back to the sleeping areas and shoved open maggies thing to find her cuddling with jay, she had on pjs, him in boxers and a shirt. She opened her eyes and when she saw Nathan and I she looked confused. "Nathan, pose!" I shouted, he stuck a pose and Maggie and I burst out laughing. "what is it?" asked jay.

"oh nothing." Maggie and I both said while laughing, Nathan gave me a confused and sad look and I just pulled him to me and gave him a kiss. He smiled as he kissed me and I pulled back giggling. "Maggie, do you now understand how someone can smile when they kiss?" I asked, she shook her head. I saw jay grin and lean in to kiss her and I shoved the curtain closed and let Nathan drag me away back to where everyone else was.

"god I hope they have sex." I said, Nathan raised his eyebrows at me. "sorry, maggies like my sister and she's never had fun with guys before, she doesn't know the joys of stuff like that, she doesn't understand one night stands or how you can enjoy touching guys." I started. "I know the thrills of touching someone, of drinking, of doing crazy stuff when drunk, or making mistakes, of being touched and of, well, everything. I want her to be with a guy and find the joys of stuff like that." I said, Nathan was frowning next to me.

I stared back, wondering why he was so sad. Then it clicked and I giggled. "don't worry Nathan, I'm still a virgin, saved for you." I said with a grin, I saw his face relax, then he blushed when I realized everyone who was here had just Heard that and they were all staring at me. "what?" I asked defensively, they all burst out laughing and I just smiled at Nathan.

"come on nayfy." I said as I pulled him down the stairs and pushed him onto a couch. I jumped on him and kissed him hard. When he pulled back we were both breathless and he stared at me. "why are you so...frisky?" he asked, I grinned. "I'm always this frisky, but I figured I shouldn't, then I figured, hey, what da fuck, you're my boyfriend, why not have fun." I said and kissed him, he smiled and pulled me closer to him and kissed me harder.

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