Chapter 55

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I laughed as Nathan spoke. "ok, ok, ok, what if, I asked you to move into my flat with me in London, would you?" he asked, I sighed. "Nathan, I love you, but I have a life here. I'd give it up for you, but all my friends, I have to finish high school." I said. "you can graduate a year early." he said. "I know Nathan, that's another two years." I said. "but, you can go to school in London." he said. "I'll go to collage there." I replied. "why go to collage? We're going to have enough money to fall back on." he said.

"because, I don't think about my future...ever. But the few times I have I always, always go to collage, it's a must." I said. "but Ellen, you won't need anything. You'll live with me and tour with me and I've got enough money in the back to retire on." he said. "Nathan, we're so young, way to young to be talking about this." I said, he sighed and slid his hand under my shirt and traced my wound with his thumb as he tended to do a lot.

"alright." he said, I smiled and leaned against his chest. "thanks nayfy." I said, he chuckled. "you're welcome." he said then kissed my neck. "so, wanna go into town, we can walk around." I said, he grinned. "sure thing." he said, I stood up and went downstairs. "mom, nath and I are Gunna go into town, need anything?" I asked. "I'll drive you." said dad. "dad, Nathan has a car." I said. "no." he replied. "I wasn't asking permission." I added, Nathan came down the stairs and his phone rang.

"hello?" he asked. "scooter! How are you buddy?" he Asked. "radio interview?" he asked. "I'm great barrington massachusetts." said Nathan. "uh, Ellen, how close is pittsfield?" asked Nathan. "uh like fifty minutes," I said. "ya, it's close." said Nathan. "ok, uhu, yup, sure, would anyone care it's just me and not the other boys?" he asked. "oh, well, we have done it individually before, I guess you're right. Alright, cool." he said then hung up.

"tomorrow im going to do a radio interview in pittsfield for 92.3 now." he said, I nodded. "cool." I said, my phone rang and I picked up. "hello?" I asked. "Ellen! They just said on the radio that Nathan Sykes is Gunna be in Pittsfield, it really sucks that your in London." laughed Leigha. "you should go." I said. "maybe." she said. "I've got another call bye." i said as my phone beeped. "hello?" I asked on the other line. "Ellen! Nathans in pittsfield tomorrow!" shouted Kim, I sighed.

I got in the car with Nathan and Katrina, kim, Alex, Leigha, Haley, ace, tabby, Pauline and wyome all called to tell me about Nathan. I told them I knew and we finally got into town and we parked the car. He pocketed the keys and we started walking. He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked through the town. "so, what do you want to do?" I asked. "I was hoping we could go grab some binge food and sit out and watch the stars for a while." he said, I grinned.

"that sounds great." I said, he smiled and we walked to Cumberland and grabbed chips and skittles, then hoped back in his car and drove to my house. We got out and it was near dark. "come on, there's a hammock we can put up." I said, we grabbed stand tied it between two trees in the garden. He sat on it and laid down. "come on love." he said, I grinned and hopped in next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his chest. We watched the sky in silence for a while, until we heard my parents yelling. "are they alright?" asked Nathan, I sighed.

"they do this all the time." I said and sighed, leaning more on Nathan. "I want you to promise me something." I said. "anything." he replied. "promise me that when we're older, if we're still together that we won't fight like they do, every night going at each other for stupid shit." I said. He laughed. "we already do go at each other for stupid shit." he chuckled.

"ya, but then we laugh at how stupid we are and makeup in seconds." I said, he nodded. "they never makeup, they just pretend it didn't happen." I sighed. "ok, Ellen." he said, I looked at him and he looked down, giving me a reassuring smile. He took my hands in his and wound our fingers together. "Ellen, I promise you that when we're older and we ARE together, that if we fight we'll always makeup and that we'll make the best of every moment and that I'll always love you as much as I love you right now." he said.

"I promise when we're old and we have kids, and our kids have kids, we'll always be together, we'll make tea and sit on the porch together and we'll do this. We'll just get away from everything, the paps, the parents, the responsibilities, we'll get away from everything and everyone and it'll just be us, alone, watching the stars and just being together." he said. "I'll never let anything get between us again, I'll work hard everyday to make sure that you know just how much I love you, that I'll never let you down and that we'll be together forever." he continued.

"and I promise you, that when we're to old to do anything, we'll stay together and I'll never leave you alone. No matter what happens, I'll always love you and I Could never live without you. One day, when we're older, we'll get married. We'll buy a little flat in London and have a weekend house in Gloucester like you always wanted. We'll have a dog and then, a while after that, after we're done being stupid ass crazy teenagers, we'll have kids. They'll have everything they could ever want, just like you will. And I'll be there for you and I'll never leave you and I'll never, ever do anything to hurt you again." he said.

"Ellen we may not be married yet, but don't think that means you're not mine. I'll never let you go again, I made a horrible decision once, but I'll never do anything like that again. I'll stay with you and we'll live a perfect life together, no more secrets, no more lies, just you and me." he said. "I know I'm supposed to get down on my knee, but Ellen, will you marry me?" he asked, I froze. Marriage?

He must have seen my expression because he quickly spoke. "I don't mean we'll get married now, it'll be a while till we're both ready for that, but I know that I can't live without you, so please, tell me you'll be mine, tell me you'll stay by my side, tell me that I'll never be lonely, tell me that we can be together forever." he said and pulled a little box out of his pocket. I watched as he Opened it and presented me with a silver ring that in cursive letters said love and the 'o' was a big diamond.

I realized I was crying because of the big tear stains on nathans shirt. "oh my god yes Nathan." I said, he smiled and slipped the ring on my finger. "I love you Ellen." he said. "I love you to nathan." I whispered and I kissed him. He kissed me back and I realized then that he was crying to. The kiss was wet and sloppy because of the tears and I loved him.

I reached down and started playing with his belt buckle as his hands slid down my back. "holy shit." I heard Davis say, I pulled away from Nathan and saw nick, Davis, Alex and Cody all leaning out of his window with a video camera. "don't tell mom." I said, he whistled. "I won't." he said. "why the hell are you video taping us?" I asked. "well, we were videotaping Alex rapping, then heard you two out there and couldn't help but to." he answered.

I sighed. "oh davis." I sighed. Nathan laughed. "it's alright love." he said and kissed my forehead. "I know." I said. "as long as I'm here with you." he said I grinned. "you really know how to sweet talk a girl." I said and lightly kissed him. "well, I was hoping I wold get kissed a lot longer and a lot lower for such sweet talking." he said, I giggled. "ah boys, you always have an ulterior motive." I said, he grinned.

"sykesytime?" I asked, he nodded. I grinned as I kissed him and rolled over so I was laying on top of him. I ran my hands through his hair, I absolutely loved playing with his hair. I started unbuttoning his shirt then stopped. "guys, close the window." I said. "dam." muttered alex as I heard the window close. "there we go." I said, then kissed him again.

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