Chapter 83

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Ellens pov

I sighed, another boring day at school. It had been two weeks since Nathan had given me that book and well, they've been the more boring two weeks of my life. "Ellen Patterson, please come to the main office." said the loud speaker, fuck. I got up and started out of my English class.

I went to the office and. My guidance counselor called me into his office. I went in and he was with another woman, oh fuck mrs,young, the school principle. "Ellen, hi honey." she said, what the fuck was she talking about? "hi?" I said as more of a question. "I have something to talk to you about, but I thought it would be better if I had a girl here." he said. What the fuck were they talking about.

"um, I have no idea what you two are talking about, if I did something wrong..." I started. "no, sweety. You didn't do anything wrong." said mrs. Younge. "There's a magazine, and we just wanted to help you through this hard time." said mrs.younge. "a magazine?" i asked, mr.Powell reached into his desk and pulled out a magazine and handed it to me.

I gaped as I looked at the front cover. It was a picture of Nathan and he looked drunk. And then another picture of me in a bikini and you could see all my scars. The front cover said 'Nathan Sykes abusing his girlfriend' in big letters. "oh fuck." I said and flipped to the page. 'Nathan Sykes and his girlfriend Ellen Patterson were spotted in Australia on the beach and everyone noticed Ellen had scars. Now on twitter, Facebook and in person there have been many fights between the couple, but they always end with them laughing and no one hurt. But these scars tell us that Nathan has been abusing her. Is she scared to leave him? We already know the couple broke up for a while because nathan was caught cheating on her. She had a fling with harry styles, but inevitably ended back with Nathan, Was he threatening Her? And Just two nights before this picture was taken a fight was captured and recorded by some fans.

Nathan:Ellen, I'm sorry

Ellen:you should be

Nathan:I didn't mean to

Ellen:didn't mean it? How could you not

Nathan:because I didn't

Ellen:yes you did

Nathan:you do stupid shit all the time to!

Ellen:this is about you not me!

Ellen:you can't do that stuff

Ellen:it's not ok

Ellen:how could you

Nathan:shut up

That was just a short bit from their fight, go online to see the rest of the scuffle. So is Nathan abusing her?' I stopped reading then, it was horrifying me that someone could write such slander and get away with it. "Ellen, I'm sorry." she said. "this is complete BS, he didn't abuse me, I got the scars long before I met Nathan. And that stupid little blurb, we were talking about ice cream for god sakes!! He put strawberry sauce in my chocolate ice cream! You can't do that to my ice cream, that was our 'fight' not actually fitting." I said. "listen, Ellen, if your boyfriend is controlling, he's not being overprotective, he's being abusive," she said, I laughed at that.

"listen, Nathan is as far from abusive as someone can get, he'd never hurt me." I said. "Ellen." started mr.Powell. "no, I swear it's a lie, he would never hurt me. I have to call our publicist to sort this out, can I go now?" I asked, they sighed but nodded. "can I have the magazine?" I asked, he nodded. I walked out of the office with a pass and went back to class. I walked in and everyone looked at me.

I handed the teacher the note and sat in my chair. "can I use the phone?" I asked, mr.mooney nodded and I went to the phone on the wall. I called the flat and waited. "hello?" asked a voice. "Nathan." I purred. "baby! How are you?" he asked. "not so great." I sighed. "what's wrong?" he replied. "I got a magazine today." I started. "oh god." he moaned. "what did it say?" he asked. "it said you're abusing me." I said.

"what!" he yelled. "and i agree with it! You're abusing me!" i shouted and hung up. "ellen, are you ok?" asked mr.mooney, i nodded. "sh, one sec." i said and waited then the phone rang again. "hello?" i asked. "oh my god ellen, im so sorry, i am? Is it when I get drunk? I didn't know." he gushed, and I burst out laughed.

"sorry, I couldn't resist, I love you Nathan, you aren't abusing me." I said, he chuckled. "you little bitch." he laughed. "I love you." I said. "love you to." he added. "but how dare they print those lies!" he shouted.

sh, it's ok Nathan, calm down." I said. "how dare they." he growled again. "this is why I never go public with girls, the magazines always fuck it up." he said. "Nathan, I read most of the article. Its cause we fight all the time and they saw my scars." I sighed. "it's ok." he said. "I know." I added. "I just wanted the number of our publicist so we could sort it out." I said. "look, I'll take care of it, I promise." he said.

"ok." I said. "look I...wait what?" he asked. "I said ok." I replied. "that's it? You just agreed? No fighting me? No disagreeing?" he asked, I laughed. "nope, for once I'm not going to fight you." I said. "did the article get to you? I don't want you to change because of it, I love our stupid fights." he said and I could just picture him leaning against a wall by the phone in the kitchen and I could here the boys laughing in the background.

"i love our fights to and its not that, I'm in the middle of English class." I said. "ah, I wondered why you hadn't cursed up a storm yet." he chuckled. "the only other time you blatantly agreed with me was when we were in the backyard and I asked you to marry me for like the tenth time." he laughed. "ya, when will I see you again?" I asked. "I don't know, I've been begging the record company to come see you." he replied and I heard the boys laugh even more and start teasing him. "well, sometimes you gotta do something crazy for love, that's what I did when I first met you." I said.

There was silence for a while. "ok." he said, then hung up. "Nathan? Nathan?" nothing, I hung up to. "what was that about?" asked mr.mooney. "oh, nothing." I said and sat back down. "ellen, who were you talking to?" he asked,i sighed. See its english class, mr.mooney is coolish and we usually goof off a lot. "my boyfriend, a magazine printed some shit about us so i had to mess with him, sorry." i said.

"thats alright, so, whys that in a magazine?" he asked. "oh, hes famous." i replied, we talked about nathan the rest of class, this is why English was a great class. The rest of the day went on and on and on and on and on And it was the most fucking boring day ever.


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