Chapter 82

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I sighed as I sat in gym it had been weeks since Id seen nathan and it really sucked. "alright guys, today is really a relaxing day." said Mr.bloom, I grinned and sat on the bench with Pauline. The whole class all laid down on the benches and talked. "hey, I'm looking for Ellen." said Sara meid, I froze. Shit, shit. "I'LL HIDE YOU!" shouted Pauline and she jumped in front of me. "I've got a package for her." she said. "I'll give it to her." said Ronny, then she left and Ronny walked over with a box.

"a package?" I asked as I crept out from behind Pauline. "from London." he said. "fuck ya British people." I said and took it. I pulled out my Swiss army knife and was about to open it when I read it. It was from the boys flat, but Nathan had written on the package. 'I know you are about to use your Swiss army knife, but don't do it!!! It's fragile.' I grinned.

I picked up the box and went back to my friends and sat down. "what is it?" asked pauline. "maybe something fun." said Dylan as he petted my face from behind me, he's weird, that's why we love him. I laughed and peeled off the tape. "we'll just have to find out won't we?" i said. "hey, is that from nathan?" asked pauline. "probably." I said.

Inside was a book and I took it out. It was pretty big then I realized it was a photo album. On the front cover there was a picture and when I looked at it I laughed, then my face went red. It was a picture of jay, me and Nathan. My back was up against a wall and I was in a bikini. Nathan was leaning against me in swim trunks and we were making out. Nathan was flipping off jay who was leaning out of the tour bus window taking a picture. Siva had got the picture of jay taking a picture.

"oh shit." said pauline. "uh, let's go to the next page." I said and quickly flipped to the first page. On the back of the cover Nathan had written a paragraph. 'I miss you Ellen, and as you keep saying you miss me. I hate being away from you, but I hope this book makes you smile. This is why I would have died if I'd lost my phone, it had all the pictures of us on it. I had them printed out and put them in here, from the first day we met, to the day I said bye to you on the bus when you left for school. I love you and I hope you love this book as much as I loved making it'

There were a bunch of pictures on each page and on every page Nathan had gone through and hand written notes and drawn funny pictures. The first picture was Just of Nathan and he looked pretty shit faced and I looked at the note he'd written.

'well, I don't have a picture of us together the first night we met, but this was a picture jay took after I came upstairs. Notice the drunken smile, it's cause i got to kiss you <3' I smiled and everyone was looking over my shoulder, so I flipped to the next page. The picture was of the beacon theater show when I was sitting down and he was singing to me and I was nearly crying.

'the second time we met, when I was singing to you I knew something great was going to happen. When you got up to leave I didn't want to let you go, thank god Maggie fell and I didn't have to, and I'll never let you go again' I smiled and looked at the other side of the page and blushed. It was the morning at the hotel when I woke up in bed with Nathan. I was playing with his hair and he was smiling at me. We were both under the covers in our underwear.

'that was the first time you played with my hair, I loved it. I don't usually let people touch my hair, but you're an exception.' "holy shit." said pauline again, I blushed. "oh, whats this, some sort of sex book?" asked Dylan. "no." I blushed. "sex book?" asked ronny and he and the others came over.

I rolled my eyes and flipped through till I came to like the middle. It was a picture of me in my white bikini in the bus, while Nathan was on his knees in front of me. 'well, I can't say that I'm happy I know how you got your scars, but I am glad you finally told me, I thought the worst...but that's the past, and regardless of what you used to do, I still love you.' I smiled and looked at the next one.

I gaped, holy shit I can't believe he put that in there. The picture was me, naked on a couch, with Nathan in a tux on the chair opposite it. He was leaning his elbows on his knees and resting his chin on one of his hands, his eyebrows were raised and he looked drop dead fucking gorgeous. I looked at the note. 'ok, first off, I swear to you on my fucking life, I did not tell them to take this. It's technically your fault for falling asleep naked on my couch, I know you're going to say it's my fault for staring at you, but sorry, can't blame me, anyway, the caption under it, made it fucking perfect <3' I looked to the bottom of the picture and burst out laughing, it said. "jack, paint me like one of your French girls'

I couldn't stop laughing as I looked at it, there was a little note under it. 'and remember, at least I had the decency to put little stars over the inappropriate parts...after I stared at it for a while ;P' "Ellen what the fuck is that?" asked Jackson. I slammed the book closed. "you know, I think I'll look at this later." I said a d then groaned when I saw the back.

It was a picture of when we were in the hospital. Nathan was in the bed and I was leaning over him and kissing him. You could see my ass because the hospital gown only covered so much. 'well, that's the tail end of it, I love you Ellen - love your Sexy Sloth' I smiled and everyone was staring. "let's just put that back in the box." I said and shoved it in and I found a card.

'hope you enjoyed the book. I called your school and asked for your home address but they wouldn't give it to me, so I sent it to the school. I miss you, and I can't wait to see you, I promise it'll be soon- love Nathan <3' I smiled and put the card back. "so, what was that?" asked ronny. "well, that was a book from my boyfriend, cause he's on tour and I haven't seen him in weeks and I really miss him. He sent me this book." I said. "wow." said Pauline. "ya..." I trailed off, honestly not really sure what to say.

"can I look through it?" she asked, I shook my head. "god no, I don't know what he put in there." I said. "please." she moaned, I sighed and rolled my eyes. "ok, look, I'll go through it tonight at my house, then bring it to you tomorrow, sound fair?" I asked, she nodded and luckily that was the end of it.

I walked outside, thankfully the teacher left so he wasn't going to care. I grabbed my cellphone and called Nathan. He didn't pick up, so I called siva, he was responsible. "hello?" he asked. "siva!" I said happily. "hi Ellen, how are you?" he asked. "I'm great, is Nath there?" I asked. "ya, he's doing the dished so I'll put you on speaker.

"Ellen?" asked Nathan. "nathy bear." I said. "ey love." he said sweetly. "first off, why in gods name are you doing the dishes?" I asked him. "lost a bet, nothing to important love." he said and I heard the water sopping around in the sink. "alright then, so I have something to talk to you about." I said. I heard the boys laughing.

"that's something a guy no one ever wants to hear." teased Tom. "what is it?" he asked and he sounded a little worried. "I just wanted to know why i got a book that had at least one naked picture in it?" I asked, all the boys burst out laughing. "oh, you got the you like it?" he asked. "I'm in love with it, but really? Really? A naked picture?" I asked with a sigh.

"oh come on." he snickered. "jack, paint me like one of your French girls." he said in an overly high voice and I laughed. "ok, it was pretty hilarious, but my gym class saw it." I moaned. "so, your gym class already saw you showering with me in your underwear." he replied. "ok, I'll give you that." I admitted. "but still that was embarrassing." I said.

"well it's not like you can hold out on me because you aren't here." gloated Nathan. "well, I could hold out on you when you come back and visit me." I threatened, he started laughing. "what?" I asked, he just kept laughing. "please when I come visit you, there will be no holding out." he chuckled.

"what, think I can't live without it? Well I can and I will." I said, then there was silence. "Ellen...are you sure?" asked jay. "butt out!" I shouted and they laughed again. "alright fine, I cant." I said and hung up on them...god, boys -_-


alright, so yay, my story is back to PG13 and I hope it stays that way, anyway, I've been in Canada so I haven't updated in a while, enjoy this and please comment rate and fan. Go check out my other the wanted fanfics 'recovery' and 'we'll never grow old again' please comment vote and fan, the more comments I get the faster I'll update, enjoy x

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