Chapter 69

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LOL 69 ;P

Anyway, for people who want me to update, I honestly space out and forget that I should post it on here. So if you what me to update, comment on it telling me to update so I remember to do it!!! X

Enjoy the chapter ;)


I woke up the next morning with the warm body of Nathan curled around me like usual. I sighed contentedly and snuggled closer to him. He kissed the back of my neck and I smiled. "mornin love." he whispered. "what time is it?" I asked. "how should I know? It's your house." he chuckled. "oh, it feels early, go back to.....wait, my house?" I asked, he nuzzled my neck and nodded. "shit!" I shouted and jumped up.

"my parents are home now! Fuck, they're going to freak if you slept in here." i said, then looked down. I was in my bra and underwear, great. He was propped up on his side, leaning on his elbow. The sheets around his waist and he was grinning at me as I paced around and freaked out. "what?" I finally asked as he smiled. "it's hard to look angry in your bra and panties." he said, I looked at him and sighed.

I ruffled his hair and grinned. "yes, yes it is. Now I need you to sneak across the loft and go into my brothers room." I said, I heard the heavy footsteps of my dad downstairs. He'd be up here to turn the air-conditioning off. I kept it at 69, he'd come up here and turn it off cause he said it was to cold, I'd wait till he left my room and turn it right back on.

See, I honestly didn't have respect for my parents, never did what they said. I'd pick and choose my battles and I could get anything I want and get away with anything I wanted, it was pretty sweet. My friends can't believe how I talk to my parents without me getting in trouble. It's easy. If I talk horribly to them normally, when I'm nice they think it's great and give me stuff.

It might just be the worse relationship ever, but fuck it. I pulled the blankets off Nathan and opened the door. "go!" I hissed, he looked scared. I walked across the loft, grabbed some blankets and a pillow, and went into Davis's room. Nick was asleep on the couch and Davis was on the bed. I taped him and he groaned. "Davis." I said, he didn't move. "Ellen?" asked nick I looked over at him.

I put the blankets on the floor and the pillow as well. Then walked over to nick. "I need a favor." i said. "what is it?" asked nick. "my boyfriend slept over last night, my parents would flip shit if they found I slept with him, if my parents ask, he slept here all night, ok?" I asked, he nodded. "nath." I hissed, Nathan walked in and looked at me.

"get in there." I said, he laid on the bed and I tucked him in. "look, I'm going to go downstairs, come down in like ten minutes ok?" I asked, he nodded. I kissed his nose, then left the room. I pulled on Nathans shirt from the floor and his boxers. I went down the stairs and saw dad cooking, he gave me a once over at what I was wearing.

"yes, I'm in his clothes, ya, he's here. Ya, I'm dating him, get over it." I growled and started cooking bacon and put on the tea. "I don't like it." said dad, I snorted. "and when have I ever cared about what you liked?" I shot back sharply. He eventually left to go flying and I was alone. My mom was gone at the gym and wouldnt be back for a few hours.

"Nathan! You can come downstairs!" I shouted, I heard nathan come down and then he was standing in my kitchen in his boxers. I smiled. "what?" he asked, a grin tugging at his lips. "I just....I never thought I'd see you standing in my kitchen." I said, he took a step towards me and raised his eyebrows, I loved when he did that.

"and, I never thought it would feel so right." I said, he smiled and walked over. I backed up till my butt hit the counter. he put his hands on either side of me and pressed his body against mine. "really? It feels right to have me in your kitchen?" he asked suggestively as he pressed harder against me, making my breath hitch in my throat.

"yes, it feels right having you in my house, in my life." I said and I looked up into his emerald green eyes. "well, imagine it. One day, we'll be like this, standing in our own house, With your back pressed up against our own counter as I took you in our own kitchen. And it'll be just us two, together, no parents to worry about, nothing to stop us from being together all the time." he said, I couldn't help but to grin.

"what?" he asked. "you always say you're a terrible flirt." I started. "but you aren't that bad at flirting and pillow talk natty." I said, he grinned. "well, when I'm pressing so close to you, and we're all alone, it just seems to come to me." he smirked and leaned in closer and I could feel his breath against my face. "but yes, one day we'll own a house together, and I'll carry you over the threshold And as you would say 'we'll christen the shit out of that place' and I will enjoy it." he said.

Then his hands slid under my shirt and pulled it over my head. "and no one." he started while he ran his hands over my stomach. "will ever, ever touch you like that again." he ended and rubbed over the light scars. "because you're mine and I love you." he said, I smiled and he grinned down at me. "now, you woke me up at eight, what am I going to do to you?" he asked and I smiled as lots of thoughts popped into my head.

"I can think if a few." I said. "oh I bet you can." he said, then I saw his eyes turn dark and he got that look again. Purely male, purely possession, purely sexual and I fucking loved it, it looked good on him. "I know what I can do." he said. "oh really?" I asked, he chuckled and leaned forward. He kissed me on my neck, right below my ear and I shivered. Then he whispered in my ear. "I could take you and press your stomach to that counter. Spread your legs apart and slap that..."

"BACON!" I shrieked interrupting him, he cocked his head at me, completely confused. "wait, i thought we were...." he started, but i shoved him off and ran past him. I turned off the stove with the bacon black and burnt. I turned back to Nathan and saw him leaning against the counter his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised. Dam he looked sexy in my house.

"and slap that what?" I asked in an attempt to bring the mood back. A wicked grin spread across his face and his eyes flashed possessive again. "morning." said Davis as he and nick came and down the stairs and I sighed. No kitchen fun for us today. "not wearing a shirt again?" asked nick, I blushed and grabbed my shirt, pulling it on.

"parents out?" asked Davis, I nodded. "I got you vodka, twisted shots, skittles and Hard lemonade." said davis, I grinned and hugged him. I had the best and weirdest relationship with my brother. I'd pay him, he'd buy me alcohol, simple and I loved him for it. Like a while ago he bought me a huge bottle of vodka. I poured it into bottles so it was easier to store so my parents couldn't find it. I put the big empty bottle in my brothers room with a note saying please get rid of it so mom and dad don't flip.

Then we had this conversation via text

Me:yo, pick me up some skittles flavored vodka and twisted shots

Davis:I don't think they make skittles flavored vodka, I'll get you vodka and skittles


Davis:twisted shots, like salt twisters, jello, black jäger, and superstar?

Me:yes, as long as it's got two sides and it colorful, get it

Davis:alright, oh, did you drink that whole bottle of vodka?

Me:na, I syphoned it into bottles


Me:lol, il pay you for the stuff when I get it x

***authors note, that above convo really did happen, that's how my brother and I get along x****

Nathan was looking a me wistfully. "come on." I said and ran upstairs with him. I brought him into my room and as promised there was a lot of alcohol. I unlocked my safe where I kept it, bottles of vodka and other drinks and shots. I put the new stuff in and then locked it. "dam, quite a stash." he said, I nodded.

"now, I'd love to stay and finish what we started, but We have to go." he said, then grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs. We walked outside and I saw there was a car. "how'd you get that car here?" I asked, he smiled. "had someone drop it off." he said simply and got in.

I hopped in and we drove out of the driveway and all the way to the airport. When we got on the plane I still had yet to figure out where on earth he was taking me.

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